Posts Tagged “bell peppers”

Per-capita availability of fresh bell peppers has increased fivefold since 1970, and the long-term rise in consumption doesn’t show signs of stopping, according to statistics from the USDA.
The agency reports farm-level, per-capita availability in 1970 was just 2.16 pounds per person, rising to 2.89 pounds by 1980, 5.88 pounds by 1990, 8.19 pounds by 2000, 10.33 pounds by 2010 and 11.33 pounds in 2019.
The extra bell pepper apparently appear is coming from the U.S. imports since the acreage of bell peppers grown in the U.S. has declined in recent years.
The acreage of bell peppers in the U.S. was 31,200 acres in 2021, down from 34,100 acres in 2020, off from 40,900 acres in 2015 and down from 46,400 acres in 2011.
Instead, imports of bell peppers have helped fuel the growth in consumption, according to USDA trade numbers.
The percentage of the U.S. fresh bell pepper crop accounted for by imports rose from 33.8% in 2000 to 46.92% in 2005, 53.3% in 2010, 59.28% in 2015 and 70.51% in 2020.
U.S. imports of bell peppers rose from $455.7 million in 2000 to $917.4 million in 2010, $1.22 billion in 2015 and topping $1.94 billion in 2021.
Mexico accounted for 74% of total U.S bell pepper imports in 2000, and that share of imports increased to 78% by 2021.
Canada is the second-largest supplier of bell peppers to the U.S. and accounted for 19% of total U.S. imports in 2021, up from 11% in 2000. Other global suppliers of bell peppers to the U.S. market include the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, the Netherlands, Israel and El Salvador, according to the USDA.
Although it’s very doubtful any of the shippers in the Coachella Valley will be able to provide you with a full load of vegetables, there is decent volume with veggies being shipped in the weeks ahead.
Eggplant loadings have just started and should continue into late June. Shipments of beans started in mid April and was followed by bell peppers and corn, which should continue into the first week of June.
Mature-green tomatoes are just now starting and should last until the first or second week of June. Green tomatoes in the desert should continue until “greens” start out of the San Joaquin Valley.
In addition to corn, beans, eggplant and tomatoes, the Coachella Valley also is shipping bell peppers, seeded watermelons; cucumbers, and hard squash. May and June will be peak shipping months for most of these items.
Red grapefruit from the desert has been going on for several months and loadings should continue through May.
Very light volume of Coachella Valley table grapes get underway this week, although it will be at least two more weeks before the is good volume.
Last year Coachella shipped about 5.6 million boxes of table grapes. This year, shippers believe there will around 5.8 million 6.2 million boxes shipped.
Coachella shippers are hopeful good volume will occur in time for the Memorial Day holiday (May 25-27).
California desert vegetables – grossing about $7300 to New York City.
If you haul produce in the fall out of Florida, expect weather related small gaps in the early part of the sweet corn season as well as with small harvest and loading delays with green beans, bell peppers, cucumbers and squash.
Volume for early bean shipments also is expected to be off and on. However, loads are not expected to be until early December.
On some vegetables, including bell peppers, cucumbers and squash, be on the look out for quality issues resutling from frequent rains durng the growing season.
Sporadic harvesting and shipments could make things interesting for the active shipping period when deliveries for the Thanksgiving holidays could get a little dicey. I’m not saying this will happen, but just be aware of the potential problems.
Florida pepper shipments should be in decent volume by the end of October.
If Georgia experiences favorable November weather, shipments there could continue through Thanksgiving.
However, southern Georgia fall veggies are having some problems with whiteflies. For example, some yellow squash is looking more like albino (white) squash as the pests suck out the nutrients. I’d be sure and let my receiver(s) know what you are preparing to load rather than find out if they’ll accept it upon arrival!
Besides squash, the pests also are affecting cucumbers, bell peppers and grean beans. Sweet corn apparently isn’t being significantly hit. Lower yields will mean less product for hauling. Color of the fall vegetables also is being affected. Unfortunately, color and general appearance often receive as much emphasis as the quality of product in this cosmetic world.
South Georgia vegetables – grossing about $2200 to New York City.
California apple and pear shipments have started, joining bell peppers and host of other veggies, stone fruits and grapes being shipped. Across the country, summer produce shipments also are moving in good volume as well, although few can match the volume coming from California.
California apples for the new shipping season are under way from the San Joaquin Valley, while the new pear crop is providing loads from the San Joaquin Valley as well as the Sacramento District. Both items join a host of San Joaquin Valley produce items ranging from peaches, plums and nectarines to veggies such as sweet corn, and bell peppers, among others, as well as table grapes and melons.
Looking ahead to fall citrus shipments, California volume is forecast to be pretty normal. Mandarin loadings get underway by mid October, while navel oranges should start shipping in Novemember and continue through May 2013. The 2011-12 navel crop amounted to 88 million 40-pound cartons being shipped. The Valencia orange loadings are winding down and about 28 million cartons will have been shipped by the end of the season.
Michigan is a leading shipper of blueberries, which are moving in good, steady volume. There’s also a wide array of vegetables such as sweet corn, bell peppers and squash being loaded on trucks.
New York
Cabbage loads are now coming out of Western and Central New York. Other vegetables will soon be available for hauling.
Eastern Shore
The tri-state area of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia have had a good growing season and steady shipments of vegetables and melons are now occurring.
Eastern Shore produce is grossing – about $1700 to Chicago.
Michigan produce – about $2700 New York and Hunts Point.
California’s San Joaquin Valley produce – about $7500 to New York City.