Posts Tagged “California vegetable shipments”

Caution Urged Loading West Coast Veggies and Strawberries as Heat Waves Affects Quality

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Press release from Markon Cooperative, Salinas, CA

Temperatures along major West Coast and Southwestern growing regions have cooled significantly since last week’s heatwave.

Areas such as the Salinas, San Joaquin, and Santa Maria Valleys, as well as Oxnard and the California/Arizona desert growing regions were all impacted. Several key commodity and value-added fruits and vegetable items such as broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, and leafy greens are exhibiting heat-related quality and shelf-life issues.

Challenges that Markon inspectors are currently observing include but are not limited to:


  • Brown bead
  • Dehydration
  • Hollow core
  • Insect pressure
  • Pin rot


  • Insect pressure
  • Mold spots


  • Bottom rot/decay
  • Dehydration
  • Fringe burn
  • Growth crack
  • Insect pressure
  • Internal burn
  • Long core/seeder
  • Mildew pressure
  • Shortened shelf-life
  • Sun scalding


  • Bruising
  • Decreased size
  • Shortened shelf-life
  • Soft texture

Leafy Greens:

  • Bolting/seeder
  • Dehydration
  • Insect pressure
  • Mildew pressure
  • Shortened shelf-life
  • Yellowing

Markon suppliers are working to mitigate these challenges by selecting the cleanest product and culling supplies with serious defects. However, harvesting and processing crews cannot completely avoid all of these heat-related issues.

Although the heatwave has passed, we can expect to feel the effects for two more weeks, or possibly longer.

Markon inspectors are monitoring supplies closely and will update as needed. Ordering for quick turns and maintaining the cold chain is critical for maximizing the quality and shelf-life of perishable produce items.

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Calif: Mandarin Loads Soar; Grapes May Set Record

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DSCN7883While many California vegetable shipments have been rather lack luster this year, shipments have soared for mandarins, and table grapes may break a record.

California mandarins produced in the San Joaquin Valley during  2015 have been valued at $197.6 million, a 171 percent  increase from the $72.8 million the previous year, according to the The Fresno County Farm Bureau.

Mostly marketed as clementines with branded labels,  from 2014 to 2015, the region’s production of mandarins increased from 121,000 tons to 166,000 tons, a 37.2 percent increase.  The national mandarin market, which is dominated by Sun Pacific and Wonderful Citrus, Delano, CA , Wonderful packs the fruit under the Halos label that it introduced in late 2013.

The value of mandarins sold nationally at retail jumped 23 percent two years ago and increased 15 percent from the 2014-15 season to 2015-16.  The Fresno County data come from the region’s growers, 60 to 70 percent of whom return the crop report requested by the county.

While some mandarin shippers operate out of Fresno County, they have much larger produce from Kern County.

Given that the Fresno County data doesn’t include much product from Sun Pacific and Wonderful, the two dominant players in the market, it makes sense that the national numbers — relying heavily on the Cuties brand and Halos brand sales — don’t match the regional numbers.

California Grape Shipments

California grapes are in the ballpark of an all-time high for shipments, and over 60 percent of the crop will ship after September 1st.

The  2016 grape crop is estimated at nearly 117.1 million 19-bound box equivalents.  This is down a bit from the spring estimate of 117.4 million, but that number would still surpass the record harvest of 116.3 million in 2013.

Last year’s crop of 109.3 million boxes rode favorable markets to its highest ever gross value at $1.83 billion.

Fall grapes will include autumn kings, scarlet royals, autumn royals and red globes.  Among the many trademark varieties are Holiday and Milano from Columbine Vineyards; AutumnCrisp by Sun World International; Green Emerald from Sunlight International Sales; and Sweet Celebration from Jasmine, Pandol Bros. and other shippers.

San Joaquin Valley mandarins and grapes – grossing about $5000 to Atlanta.


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FL Watermelon Shipments Picking Up; CA Coastal Volume Struggles

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DSCN7452Florida watermelon shipments are gaining in volume, while California’s Salinas Valley is still struggling to get consist, good quality and decent volume vegetable shipments.

Florida watermelon shipments got off to a slow start at best in April, but decent volume is expected by mid May leading up to the important Memorial Day weekend, May 27-30.  Some shippers are reporting supplies are off as much as 20 percent due to weather conditions.  While initial shipments start out of southern Florida, central Florida watermelon shipments should get underway around May 10-15.

Demand for trucks have recently increased significantly in Florida, although no serious shortages of equipment has been reported.  Rates also have increased by 10 to 15 percent to New York and Boston on mixed loads.

Southern Florida watermelons, tomatoes and vegetables – grossing about $3200 to New York City.

Georgia watermelon shipments typically start as Florida begins winding down.  Georgia loadings should get underway around June 10th.

Southern Georgia greens, cabbage, carrots and squash – grossing about $2200 to New York City.

California Vegetable Shipments

The coastal district of Santa Maria is shipping about 450 truck loads of strawberries a week, but Watsonville strawberry shipments are increasing and will surpass Santa Maria any day now.  Mother’s Day (May 8) is one of the biggest times for strawberry shipments.   After a shaky first quarter of the year weather wise, Mother Nature is showing more cooperation and berries of all types are showing better quality, and volume.

Salinas Valley broccoli and cauliflower shipments got off to an early start, but there have been peaks and valleys regarding volumes.  The roller coaster ride could continue for several more weeks.  When produce loadings here start a week or two ahead of schedule, as it did this year, it is often followed by periods of heavy and light volumes.

Shipments for both broccoli and cauliflower had been decent, but another dip in loadings started in late April and continues into May.  Most crops are experiencing issues with yields and volume is very uneven compared to “normal” shipping conditions.

Quality issues due to the weather has resulted in problems for drivers and shippers, upon delivery to the East Coast.

Salinas Valley lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower – grossing about $6700 to New York City.

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A Stone Fruit Shipping Outlook; Are CA Veg Shipping Gaps Finished?

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DSCN4649Here is an outlook for stone fruit shipments ranging from Georgia and South Carolina to California and Washington state.  Also, are California vegetable shipments getting over the ups and downs caused by shipping gaps from the coastal areas?

Initial Georgia peach shipments from the Fort Valley area got underway the week of May 18th.   With the arrival of June, Georgia peaches are now moving in good, steady volume.  Shipments should continue most of the summer…..South Carolina peach shipments  are on a similar schedule with a little more volume.….Meanwhile, California stone fruit moves into volume beginning in late June and continuing through July….Washington state stone fruit shipments will build in volume in August for peak peach shipments during September.

California vegetable shipments this spring have been anything but good and predictable for produce haulers.  Is that about to change?  Maybe, but don’t necessarily bet on it.

Hot weather in the early spring with shipments out of the desert areas and then the Huron District of the San Joaquin Valley, vegetables were maturing ahead of schedule.  However, with the seasonal shift of California vegetables to the coastal areas, colder than normal weather has put harvest and shipments later than usual.  It also has resulted in shipping gaps and lighter than normal volumes in many cases.



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Shipments Increasing for California Vegetables and Stone Fruit; Check for Quality Problems

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DSCN3184Volume is headed upwards from coastal areas for California vegetable shipments, as well as stone fruit out of the San Joaquin Valley.  We’ll take a look at both, with a note to be on the look out for some quality issues in both regions.

Vegetable Shipments

There are strong shipments of vegetables coming out of the Santa Maria and Salinas valleys, although we’re not boasting of any bumper crops.  Temperatures in both valleys recently topped 90 degrees.  When loading, just keep an eye out for what’s going onto the truck in case there are issues with tip burn on some of the leafy items.  Also make sure the receiver is aware of any problems, if a problem develops.

At the same time, the heat could bring on some fields faster, which would increase shipments.

Avocado Shipments

California’s avocado crop, which is currently in full production, has been estimated at less than 60 percent of the volume of last year’s 500 million pounds.

Stone Fruit Shipments

California has recently been shipping in very light volume of  stone fruit from the Coachella Valley and the west side of the San Joaquin Valley.  Now it’s time for the main varieties and product in the primary SJV production areas to get cranked up. Volume is expected to be about normal.  While peaches and nectarine quality seems to be pretty good, use caution loading apricots and plums until we get a better feel for quality.  Just reading between the lines of shipper comments leads one to suspect potential quality issues due to weather factors.  In general, stone fruit shipments are about 10 to 14 days earlier than normal, which means there will be good volume loadings in time for arrivals at destination for the Memorial weekend of May 24-26.

Salinas Valley vegetables – grossing about $7500 to New York City.





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California Vegetable Shipments to Shift from Desert Areas; Avocado Loadings to Start Soon

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HP0312As we enter spring (officially March 20th) two things are certain regarding California vegetable shipmens.  Number one, a seasonal shift is coming relatively soon from the desert areas of California and Arizona to the Central San Joaquin Valley and the Salinas Valley.  Number two, there is going to be a gap in in some California produce shipments as the transition take place.

However, the question remains, just when is this shipping gap going to occur given the roller coast weather?

Cold crops are grown in Central California and the Salinas Valley and shipped the year round, and celery is a 12-month mainstay from Oxnard to Oceano.  However, items such as lettuce, broccoli and caulifower and some others shift growing areas during the year.  Cold weather in Salinas and the central valley knocked out some plants in their early stages and delayed plantings for about a week. About 90 to 100 days later, one would expect to see a gap,  It will happen, but when?  The guess in within the next couple of weeks.

California Avocado Shipments

Avocado shipments in 2013 crop came in around 500 million pounds, which is larger than normal volume. This year, volume should be around 300 million pounds, which is closer to average.

In 2014, shipments should start ramping up anytime and showing  sizable volume increase by late-April, before making a significant bump  in volume entering the summer months.


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California Desert Shipments will be Shifting Regions Around the MIddle of March

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HP0305aWhile much of the nation has been in an icy deep freeze, warmer than normal temperature in California have been excellerating growth of winter mixed vegetables on the West Coast and in the desert. The only problem is the lousy weather in so much of the country has stifled demand  for California vegetable shipments.

Veggies ranging from head lettuce to romaine and broccoli continuet to be shipped from California’s Imperial Valley and the Yuma district.  At times it isn’t the best quality, so make sure your receiver knows what kind of quality is being delivered to help reduce problems such as claims with deductions, or rejections.

You should expect a seasonal transition of desert vegetables to the Central San Joaquing Valley around the middle of March.

California strawberryshipments are coming out of Ventura County, Southern California and on a more limited basis from the Santa Maria District.  Rains last week in Southern California resulted in some damage, so keep an eye out of off grade are mariginally grade berries at least throught this week.

Coastal California blueberry shipments should start ramping up the last week of March with a peak in mid-April followed by the Central Valley through June.

Desert vegetables grossing – about $6000 to New York City.

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