Posts Tagged “Southern California produce shipments”
Here’s a round up of some of the major Western produce shipping areas including volume and freight rates.
California Produce Shipments
Big volume produce shipments continue out of both the Salinas Valley and the San Joaquin Valley of California. We’re certainly not witnessing any record rates this year. This is believed due to several factors. For example the California drought most certainly has resulted in fewer plantings of fruits and vegetables. Taking up at least some of the lack is Mexico that continues to increase production. Mexico not only has cheaper labor and production costs, but fewer restrictive rules and regulations than California.
However, rates were generally stagnant or in many cases lower this week as there was a surplus in refrigerated equipment. Rates on Salinas veggies plunged by double digits in some cases, as vegetable shipments have been less than spectacular this season – in part due to numerous shipping gaps.
Salinas Valley Produce Shipments
The Watsonville district continues shipping strawberries and other berries in good volume. Strawberries are averaging about 950 truck loads per week. Meanwhile, dozens of vegetables continue out of Salinas ranging from various types to lettuces to broccoli, and cauliflower, among others.
Salinas Valley produce – grossing about $6800 to New York City.
San Joaquin Valley Produce Shipments
From the Westside District, cantaloupe, honeydew and other melons are increasing in volume….Watermelons are averaging about 300 truck loads weekly and increasing in volume….There also is good volume with stone fruit ranging from peaches to plums and nectarines….Another big crop of grapes continues to be shipped…Pear and apple shipments are just starting from Northern California and the San Joaquin Valley. Between 1.5 and 1.7 million boxes of apples are forecast and should continue until mid October.
Central San Joaquin Valley fruits and vegetables – grossing about $6100 to Atlanta.
Southern California Produce Shipments
Avocado loadings continue in good volume, although it is declining as we head into the latter part of the shipping season….Tomatoes are big item. Vine ripe tomato loadings continue from the Oceanside and San Diego areas, including produce crossing the border into San Diego from Baja California.
Southern California citrus, avocados and tomatoes – grossing about $4800 to Houston.
While California vegetables and citrus have been struggling this season to get going, California strawberry shipments got off to an early and fast start it looks to continue strong throughout the season. Unlike much of the nation, credit unusually warm weather during the winter on the West Cost, which hastened plant maturity.
We’ll also take a glimpse at Mexican imports through Nogales, AZ.
For the week ending March 1, the California Strawberry Commission reported 11.16 million 9-pound tray equivalents had been shipped fresh so far this year compared to 6.89 million at the same time last year and 9 million in 2012. California produces almost 90 percent of U.S. strawberries. The state’s 400 strawberry farms grow fruit on fewer than 40,000 acres.
California avocado shipments
This year, California avocado shipments should be at its peak from mid- to late April and continue through Labor Day. Volume should be about 300 million pounds. The 300 million pounds is more on par with the 10-year average. Loadings originate from various shippers in Southern California.
Southern California produce shipments – grossing about $6600 to New York City.
Nogales Produce Shipments
While Mexican vegetable shipments through Nogales, AZ are on a seasonal down swing, an exception are watermelons being imported from West Mexico. The spring season has started three weeks earlier than last year. The early time frame is attributed to earlier transplanting, improved growing practices and ideal weather conditions. Watermelon shipments from West Mexico should continue in good volume through June.
Arrivals of Mexican grapes will start crossing the border within the next month.
Mexican produce through Nogales – grossing about $3800 to Chicago.

Shippers had loaded over 193 million trays as of December 13, topping the 191 million trays produced in all of 2012. Shipments continued an upward trend that began in 2006 with five straight record-setting seasons. A cold and wet spring in 2011 caused the streak to be broken, but growth in shipments has continued since.
A big reason has been an upsurge in acreage. Growers planted on 40,192 acres this year, up from 37,732 in 2012. Another factor was the use of new University of California-developed varieties that yield more fruit per acre.
However, what California had in quantity this year, too often was lacking in quality.
Strawberries are a year-round fruit in California, as winter harvests move south with the sun. The peak season is in the spring and early summer, when all three of the state’s major growing regions — around Watsonville, Santa Maria and Oxnard — are producing berries. About 85 percent of the nation’s strawberry shipments originate in California.
Some growers are switching to organic production. Organic acreage went from 1,776 in 2012 to 2,532 acres this year.
Most California strawberry shipments are now coming out of Ventura County and Orange County.
Southern California produce shipments, including strawberries – grossing about $6800 to New York City.