Posts Tagged “avocado shipments”

Holiday Shipping Outlook: Texas, Mexico and Red River Valley

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dscn8445As we plow right into the holiday shipping season, here’s a look at loading opportunities from South Texas and Mexico to the Red River Valley.

Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas fruit shipments began in early October with grapefruit, but volume has been increasing leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday.  A significant increase in loadings is expected after Thanksgiving and leveling off to more steady shipments through January.

South Texas orange shipment also got going in October and were in full swing with the arrival of November.   However, Texas orange shipments only account for  about 25 percent of the total citrus volume.

Mexican avocado Imports

Mexican Avocado Imports are Increasing through South Texas and big volumes are seen again through the winter months.  During the 2016-17 shipping season, Mexican avocado shipments should hit about 2 billion pounds, similar to a year ago.

Lower Rio Grande Valley citrus, plus crossings from Mexico of tropical fruits and vegetables – grossing about $2600 to Chicago; $4100 to New York City.

Red River Valley Potato shipments

Red potato shipments from the Red River Valley, the nation’s largest red potato producer, will be down more than one-third from last year’s big crop, and 20 percent less than the five-year average.  There were thousands of acreage lost to excessive rains ranging from Grand Forks, ND to the Canadian border.

It is estimated only 64,000 out of 80,000 planted potato acres in North Dakota will be harvested.  One potato production forecast is at 19.8 million hundredweight (cwt.), down 28 percent from last year. However, another forecast believes an additional 4 million cwt. has been lost.  Most of the acres lost were in northeast North Dakota on non-irrigated land.  The state’s processing crop which yields much higher was largely unaffected by heavy rains.

Whichever estimate turns out to be more accurate, red potato volume from the Red River Valley will be far less than 2015-16 when 27.6 million cwt. of potatoes were shipped.

Red River Valley potatoes – grossing about $1700 to Chicago; $2600 to Dallas.




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Strong Mexican Avocado Shipments Until December

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dscn8444by Avocado Producers and Exporting Packers Association of Mexico

URUAPAN, Mexico – The Avocado Producers and Exporting Packers Association of Mexico (APEAM) is pleased to report strong shipments to the U.S. market, as the Mexican avocado industry moves swiftly to resume normal operations after a temporary shipping delay caused by a work stoppage in Mexico earlier this month.  Harvesting in Mexico resumed on October 15th, and APEAM initially projected shipping 40 million pounds of avocados to the U.S. last week (October 24 – 28). The industry surpassed that projection and shipped a total of 51.6 million pounds – one of the largest weeks ever for Mexican avocado shipments to the United States.

APEAM expects the distribution system to be fully back on track over the next 10 days. This will enable the industry to fulfill ongoing demand throughout the coming months including football season, Thanksgiving and the Holidays.

Weekly avocado shipments now projected through December have been increased by about 10 percent from previous estimates for a total projection of 469 million pounds for the mid October to December time period.

Last year, the U.S. consumed over two billion pounds of avocados with about 80 percent of the supply coming from Mexico. With the updated projections, Mexico is on track to support the strong U.S. demand for avocados through its network of importers, retailers and foodservice partners.


APEAM is a nonprofit organization founded in 1997 to represent the Hass avocado industry throughout Mexico in its export program for the brand Avocados From Mexico. APEAM is dedicated to developing and implementing stringent quality measures to ensure the production of the finest avocados available anywhere, worldwide. APEAM currently represents more than 19,000 growers and 46 packinghouses.

Mexican avocados, tropical fruit and vegetables crossing the border in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of (Pharr) Texas – grossing about $3700 to New York City; Chicago about $2300; and Atlanta, GA, about $2100.

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S. Cal Tomato Loadings, Plus Avocado Shipments

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GAtks0314 157Here’s some updates on tomato shipments from Southern California, as well as avocado shipments, which continue to show impressive growth in volume.

California  vine-ripe round tomatoes and romas are now in peak volume from Southern California.  This season, veteram tomato grower Harry Singh, Jr. and his family—along with exclusive marketer Oppy—celebrate 75 years of producing vine-ripes in Oceanside, CA. .

Priya Singh, general manager, is a third generation grower at the company that became known as West Coast Tomato Growers (WCTG), owners of the Oceanside Pole and Cal-Tom brands, in 2012.  Oppy is shipping Oceanside Pole and Cal-Tom vine ripened rounds and romas produced by the Singh family into November.

Southern California tomatoes – grossing about $6300 to New York City.


Avocado Shipments

2016 is off to a good start for avocado shipments, both domestic and for imports.  The coming fall shipping season is looking to be even better.  From January through May, more than 1 billion pounds of avocados were shipped in the U.S.  That is up from 883 million pounds for the same period a year ago.

In all, volume rose 16 percent in 2015 compared to 2014, but for fall, volume grew 21 percent — from 575 million pounds for September through December 2014 to 696 million pounds for the fall of 2015.

The increase was driven by an increase in imports from Mexico, which had its biggest year ever.  Mexico was by far the largest source of avocados in 2015, shipping 1.7 billion pounds to the U.S.  California was next, with 262 million pounds, followed by Peru with 100 million and Chile with 20 million pounds.  Other countries shipped almost 4 million pounds.

Avocado shipments are increasing as consumption by American consumers continues to grow at a very fast pace.   Avocado shipments seem to be breaking records nearly every year.

Total volume in the U.S. for 2015 was 2.14 billion pounds, an increase of 15 percent over the 1.85 billion pounds in 2014.

Some California avocado shipments should continue through August. Then the fall crop from Mexico starts ramping up.


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Here’s a Preview of Some Produce Items to be Shipped for Easter

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AvocadosAs the Easter shipping period for a number of produce items approaches, here’s a look a few commodities coming out of California, Mexico and Florida.

Decent California strawberry volume is expected following a weeks of challenges regarding production.  A wild winter for strawberries should stabilize enough to provide steady loading opportunities for Easter, which falls on March 27th.

The should mean steady volumes  from the Oxnard and Santa Maria growing regions of California and from the Ruskin, FL area.

Because Easter is early this year, and based on the timing of this year’s crop, Florida strawberry shipments should be situated perfectly for Easter.

The past couple of Easters have fallen after peak Florida shipments.

Asparagus Shipments

Thanks to the early Easter this year, there should be enough asparagus shipments from Mexico and California.  Mexican volumes will be declining for the season, but because of the early Easter, it should serve as a good supplement to California, which is having peak shipments.

Avocado Shipments

California avocado loadings should be plentiful this spring and summer, with volume expected to be up to 40 percent greater than last year’s.  California is expected to produce 392.5 million pounds of avocados this season, up significantly from the 279 million pounds shipped last year.  That would be approaching 10,000 truck load equivalents.

The California avocado harvest started in January, hit good volume by late March, with peak shipments occurring from April to July.

Most California avocado shipments are destined for markets are in the western U.S.,, while Mexico will continue shipping heavily into the Midwest and to the East Coast.

Kiwifruit Shipments

The California kiwifruit shipping season continues and about 40 percent of the six-million seven-pound trays remain.  The fuzzy brown fruit is shipped out of California’s Central San Joaquin Valley.  Loading will continue through May and as late as June.


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Updates on Shipments of Mich. Apples, Calif. Avocados

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DSCN2911+1The number of loads for the new season Michigan apple shipments will be down from original estimates, but still good…Meanwhile, here’s an update on shipping opportunities for California avocados.

Depending you who you ask, Michigan apple shipments will be somewhere between 22.5 and 25 million bushels.  Last season, crop finished at 27 million bushels.

The Michigan apple industry is still collecting data for the final 2014-15 estimate.

Heading into the 2015 harvest, Michigan growers are expecting similar volumes from the Ridge area, higher volumes from the Southwest, similar volumes from the East and lighter volumes from the Northwest part of Michigan.

Michigan blueberry shipments have just started.  We hope to have more info on loading opportunities soon.

Avocado Shipments

Over 70 percent of the California avocado shipments have been completed, with much of the volume now coming out of the Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo areas.  California could ship up to 10 million pounds a week through mid-July before volumes begin a gradual decline.

Mexico’s 2014-15 crop is finishing up.  However new crop loadings for Mexican avocado shipments are just starting.

Imports of Peruvian avocados began arriving at US ports within the last week or so.

Southern California avocados, tomatoes, vegetables – grossing about $5400 to Cleveland.

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Desert Vegetable Shipments More Consistent with Favorable Weather

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DSCN4471An extended warm weather streak is occurring in the California and Arizona deserts, resulting in  fair to good movement of vegetables.  The only problem is treacherous winter weather in many northern and northeastern markets is hurting demand.

Desert vegetable shipments are taking place from the Imperial, Coachella and Pal Verde valleys of California, as well as the Yuma area in Arizona.  Everything from head lettuce to romaine, as well as broccoli and cauliflower, and greens are being loaded.  The primary problem might be if there are some temporary shipping gaps due to weather factors earlier in the season….Mexican asparagus volume is building at the Calexico, CA border crossing.

Carrot shipments from the Bakersfield area are averaging over 300 truck loads per week.

While strawberry loadings out of the Oxnard district are light, there is better volume with celery.

California citrus shipments  ranging from oranges to tangerines and mandarins  are available from shippers in Central and Southern California.

California avocado shipments have recently got underway and the forecast calls for loadings to total 327 million pounds during the 2014-15 season, about 10 percent greater than this past season.  Volumes are expected to build into March with ‘promotable’ volume beginning in April.

Overall, this is perhaps the lightest volume time of the year for California produce shipments, which too often results in multiple pick ups to fill the trailer.

California desert shipments – grossing about $4400 to Chicago, $6500 to New York City.

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Dozens of Produce Items are Being Shipped Out of South Texas

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DSCN5088Here’s a glimpse of produce shipments from Mexico crossing the border at McAllen, Tx, plus some domestic items coming out of the Lower Rio Grande Valley.

Sweet onion shipments from Mexico and Texas are expected to start later than normal this year.  By contrast, in the Northwest storage onion shipments could last longer than normal simply because there is such a big volume.

Mexican sweet onions shipments are expected to start crossing the border into South Texas in good volume by the middle of March, which would be three to four weeks later than normal.  South Texas sweet onions also are behind schedule and should get underway around mid to late March…..Meanwhile, imports of sweet onions from Peru are expected to wrap up by the end of February.

Meanwhile, there’s dozens of other items crossing the border from Mexico into the Lower Rio Grand Valley.  Mexican avocado shipments are averaging over 500 truck loads per week.  There also are lesser amounts of produce shipments ranging from Mexican strawberries and limes to tropical fruits and vegetables.

While much of the Texas produce growing over the past couple of decades has shifted to south of the border, South Texas growing operations are still in business.

Texas grapefruit shipments are averaging around 200 trucks loads weekly, with Texas oranges amounting to roughly one-half this amount…..The Lower Rio Grande Valley, as well as the Winter Garden District, which is closer to San Antonio, are shipping cabbage in light, but increasing volume.

South Texas produce shipments – grossing about $2800 to Chicago and $4700 to New York City.



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Avocado Shipments Nearly Quadriple; RRV Red Potatoes are Coming Soon

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DSCN4343Here’s a look at two very different hauling opportunities — red potatoes from North Dakota and Minnesota, plus the amazing growth of avocado shipments.

It used to be produce truckers rarely had avocados very high on their list of items to haul, but that has changed over the past decade or so.  This year about 1.8 billion pounds (450,000 truck load equvialents) will be shipped to U.S. markets. which includes both domestic production and imports.  This compares to 500 million pounds in 2000.  Last June set a record for monthly shipments with 180 million pounds of avocado shipped.  In 2015, loadings should hit the 2-billion-pound mark.

While California U.S. avocado shipments (which should end up at about 315 million pounds this year) are winding down with only about 20 percent of its crop left, Mexico is ramping up, with volume loadings headed to the U.S. starting this month.  During Mexico’s 2013-14 season it shipped 1.1 billion pounds, with the U.S. being its biggest market.  This season Mexican avocado shipments are expected to increase 20 percent over the previous season.

Mexican avocados and other produce crossing through South Texas – grossing about $4400 to New York City.

North Dakota/Minnesota Potatoes

Big Lake, MN red potato shipments are pretty much finished, while loadings out of Long Prairie, MN should continue for another two weeks….Both of these areas annually serve as a prelude to the largest growing and shipping area in the country.  That would be just to the west in the Red River Valley of North Dakota and Minnesota.  This marks the 20th year since this writer first visited these northern plains, which has the most beautiful, black soil for growing non-irrigated red potatoes anywhere.  The only thing better than the soil in the Red River Valley are the people – they are great, hard working, honest and friendly!

The Red River Valley is expecting normal, or at least fairly close to normal shipments this season.  The harvest has just started and will continue through October, if not going into November, depending upon the first heavy frost.  This is when volume shipments pick up.

Big Lake, MN red potatoes – grossing about $3000 to Dallas.

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Mexican and Peruvian Imports Coming to U.S. will be Increasing

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DSCN3870+1Mexican avocados joining other produce from south of the border being imported to the U.S.  Peruvian onions are set for arrivals at U.S. Ports.

Mexican Produce Shipments

Avocado shipments should stay steady as California and Peru wind down in early September, although location of loading opportunities will shift.  In September shipments out of Mexico ramp up.  California avocado shipments were lighter than normal this season, and shipments will be 95 percent completed after Labor Day.   Shipments also will be wrapping up earlier than usual.

While imports of Mexican avocados get started in September, it will be the middle of October before there is good volume.

Mexican avocados crossing the U.S. border into the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas are averaging around about 500 truck loads a week – but as mentioned, are gradually increasing in volume.

Peruvian Onions

Exports of Peruvian sweet onions to the U.S. may grow by as much as 10 percent during the 2014-15 season.  The United States buys 57 percent of the Peruvian exports of onions.  The current export season starting ramping up in late July and should continue into late January.  The Peruvian onions arrive a various U.S. ports, before being trucked to markets across the U.S. and Canada.

Mexican avocados, mangos, citrus, tomatoes, and vegetables crossing at McAllen, TX – grossing about $4200 to New York City.





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South African Citrus and Peruvian Avocados are Arriving at U.S. Ports

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Imported citrus and fruit from South Africa and Peru are now arriving at U.S. ports.

Fresh South African citrus is arriving from South Africa every 10 days through October at the Gloucester (NJ) Marine Terminal.

The season’s first break bulk ship  bearing South Africa citrus discharged June 23 at the marine terminal, located on the Delaware River.

There were 3,400 pallets.   South Africans will ship a total of about 30,000 or 40,000 pallets of citrus to the United States this season  This is 15th season for South African summer citrus in the U.S.  Beginning in 1999, the program had  50 tons of citrus, which has grown to around 41,000 tons per year.

Avocados from Peru

Avocado shipments are showing a significant increase this year with imported fruit from Peru.  By mid June around 125 million pounds of Peruvian avocados had arrived in the U.S., primarily to ports at Los Angeles, Houston and Philadelphia.  However the majority of avocados are destined for markets along the Eastern seaboard and in the Southeastern United States.  This amount of avocados coming to the U.S. from Peru this season is more than double of a year ago.






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