Posts Tagged “South Carolina peach shipments”

RIDGE SPRING, SC – Lori Anne Peaches are back in stores at select retailers nationwide. The varieties that make up the Lori Anne Peach brand are chosen for flavor and are the absolute best of the best fruit grown at Titan Farms. Knowing Lori Anne Peaches will bring back childhood memories of chin dripping goodness and summertime fun, Titan Farms has revamped their POS signage for the upcoming season. Additionally, Lori Anne Carr will continue the tradition of in-store demos at select retailer locations in Minnesota and Louisiana this July and August.
“The opportunity to interact directly with customers is genuinely something I look forward to. We are excited to be able to travel and introduce Lori Anne Peaches to new market areas for these retailers. Consumers ask the best questions and I have the opportunity to share stories about the farm, peaches, and our family. At the same time, I am also able to share tips, techniques, and even some recipes! It’s truly a lot of fun!” – Lori Anne Carr, Vice President and Administrative Manager
“Lori Anne Peaches are by far the best tasting peaches I’ve ever had; there’s really no comparison.” – Lori Anne Peach repeat customer
For more than 10 years, Titan Farms has grown a beautiful peach like none other named the Lori Anne Peach, where only the top 20 percent of their peaches are selected for this brand. Grown by Chalmers and Lori Anne Carr, this peach is so special that Chalmers could not think of a better name than that of his beloved wife. College sweethearts, who are partners in life and in business, they have produced this ripe consistently tasty peach with just enough fuzz – a special peach that brings back memories of Southern summer days passed, and lazy days shared with family while a warm homemade peach cobbler cools on the kitchen counter. These peaches receive a lot of tender loving care—ripened by humid South Carolina nights, harvested by hand, and carefully selected for packing—giving Lori Anne’s Peaches that special flavor – just how a peach should taste: the perfect marriage between ripeness and flavor.
“A peach so special I named it after my wife.” – Chalmers Carr, President and CEO
To learn more about Titan Farms check out their website:
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About Titan Farms
Founded in 1999 by Chalmers and Lori Anne Carr, Titan Farms is a premier grower, packer and shipper of fresh peaches and vegetables. With core values focused on producing the highest quality produce in the market, you are sure to take home the freshest produce they have available. Today, Titan Farms is the largest peach grower on the east coast, with over 6,200 acres of peaches, 600 acres of bell peppers, 1,000 acres of broccoli and 36 acres of eggplant. Titan Farms is a family-run operation, including long-time employees who have become part of their Titan family.
Both of the Carolinas are looking for improved volume with produce shipments through the summer.
Despite a strange start for spring weather in South Carolina, shipments of fruits and vegetables are looking favorable as we progress into June.
Some of the best news regard South Carolina peach shipments which should be much better than the past two seasons. While peach volume early in the season will be lighter than normal, once we get into mid June loadings should be good through July and into August.
A similar scenario is seen for South Carolina watermelon shipments. Growers have increased acreage for 2018 as the harvest kicks off in mid June and runs through August.
Cantaloupe shipments are very similar, starting around June 10, with good volume expected through the month right on into July. A couple of growers also have started growing some honeydew, which hasn’t been done in a number of years.
South Carolina has 22,000 acres of the product that should be shipping through the summer. Three decades South Carolinas had 40,000 acres of melons.
There also are good crops being reported with sweet corn, broccoli, and peppers.
Titan Farms of Ridge Spring, SC started very light peach shipments May 7th with loadings continuing until around Labor Day.
The company started its broccoli season the week of April 30th and will be wrapping up its season in the week or so. Bell pepper and eggplant shipments are just getting started and will continue until about the third week of July.
North Carolina Produce Shipments
Jackson Farming Co. of Autryville, N.C. is just winding down its strawberry shipments. Jackson has been shipping broccoli since early May that will continue through June. The company will kick off its cantaloupe season about June 15th and going through August; seedless watermelons starting June 30th and running through September; and eastern honeydews starting around July 5 and finishing the first week in August.
North Carolina also has a number of other items ranging from colored potatoes, to onions, sweet potatoes, green bell peppers, open-field colored bell peppers, cucumbers, squash, cabbage, chili peppers, tomatoes and eggplant.
Ham Farms of Snow Hill, N.C. started its harvest of red and green cabbage the week of May 21st.
Ham Farms also expects to begin watermelons the first week of July and hard squash in mid to late July. Sweet potatoes will be underway in late August or early September.
Ohio vegetable shipments have gotten an early start, while Ontario vegetables are building in volume. Eastern peach loadings remain steady.
Vegetable shipments out of Ohio got underway a week to 10 days early this year. For example, Buurma Farms of Williard, OH started with radishes mid-May, and dill, cilantro and turnip and mustard greens by the end of the month. Beets, lettuces, parsley, sweet corn, green onions and celery were to following in short order
Ohio radish loadings started in mid-May and continue to mid-November, with other commodities starting in June and winding down in October. For example, sweet corn, celery and peppers likely will start in mid- to late July and go to the first frost.
Ohio sweet corn and many other vegetables are shipped to destinations in the Midwest, East and South.
In late June, shipments begin for cabbage and green beans and the second week of July for corn.
Ontario Vegetable Shipments
Canada’s Ontario province vegetable shipments are now coming on and will be in full shipping mode in July. While asparagus loading have been occurring since early May, items such as zucchini starts in late June and sweet corn will be available the first half of July. Other items range from eggplant, to red and green peppers, colored potatoes and cluster tomatoes.
Eastern Peach Shipments
South Carolina peach shipments are good and will remain so approaching the 4th of July. Loadings are expected to decrease some after the holiday, but then pick back up the second half of July. Steady shipments are seen through August, before the season winds down in early September.
Georgia peach shipments remain strong, with a season similar to that of South Carolina. Georgia is reporting its finest crop in at least a decade.
Georgia peach shipments – grossing about $2600 to New York City.
Peruvian Avocado Imports
Peru should export about 100 million pounds of hass avocados to the U.S. this season — about the same as a year ago.
However, expect more fruit next season due to newly planted trees starting to bear fruit in 2017. Exports to the U.S. and other parts of the world will increase by 20 percent. About 25 percent of Peru’s avocado exports are destined for the U.S.
Here are shipping updates from different produce production areas on both the West Coast and the East Coast.
In the summer months, 1,600 trucks pass through the Nogales-Mariposa Port of Entry every day. About 1,500 of these 18-wheelers are carrying produce.
Whatever the cargo, each truck must be inspected for contraband. The produce gets another look for pests and disease that could damage U.S. crops.
Currently, there are heavy watermelon shipments, and good mango volume. Grapes are crossing the border and will hit peak shipments entering June and continue for most of the month.
Mexican produce shipments through Nogales – grossing about $2200 to Dallas.
California Desert Produce
Yellow, green and red bell peppers are among produce shipments coming out of the desert of Southern California. The peppers, as well as other vegetables, plus table grapes are being shipped out of the Coachella Valley for the next several weeks….In the nearby Imperial Valley, there is good volume with onions being loaded.
Oregon Cherry Shipments
While Washington state and California have larger volumes, Oregon also ships a significant amount of cherries. Loadings get underway with the start of June, particularly from the Dalles, OR area.
Nut Shipments
It is estimated that by 2020 as much as an additional 1.2 to 1.3 billion pounds of walnuts, almonds and pistachios could enter the market—up 35 to 38 percent from the 2015 crop. The vast majority of shipments will originate from California.
Georgia Peach Shipments
Georgia peach shipments are moving along as expected and should be steady through mid-July. Georgia should have its largest amount of peach shipments in at least 10 years.
Georgia peaches, blueberries and vegetables – grossing about $2600 to New York City.
South Carolina Peach Shipments
South Carolina peach shipments kicked off the first week of May with cling peaches that go primarily to processors, but now has moved into the free stone peaches for the fresh market. The Palmetto State ships about 40 percent of the nation’s peaches. FYI – palmetto refers to a tree, the sabal palmetto, which also happens to be the state tree, and appears on the state flag.
Peach shipments are past their peak in Georgia, while increasing in volume from South Carolina. New Jersey peach loadings will get underway soon.
Georgia peach shipments from the Fort Valley are now in the last half of the season. Weather factors earlier in the year are going to result in only about a 60 percent crop over all. For example, Lane Southern Orchards, the state’s largest peach shipper, expects to ship about 475,000 25-pound half bushel cartons this season, compared to 750,000 bushels a year ago. Lane should be shipping into the last half August.
Georgia is moving about 100 truck loads of peaches per week.
Georgia peach shipments – grossing about $3400 to Boston.
South Carolina Peach Shipments
Titan Farms in Ridge Spring, SC expects to ship its highest volume of fruit from mid July through August, while winding down the season in early September. Titan is believed to be South Carolina’s largest peach shipper.
South Carolina is loading about 200 truck loads of peaches weekly, with volume still increasing.
South Carolina peaches – grossing about $3100 to New York City.
New Jersey Peach Shipments
New Jersey peach shipments are expected to be good this season when it kicks off in late July. We’ll have more details soon.
Here is an outlook for stone fruit shipments ranging from Georgia and South Carolina to California and Washington state. Also, are California vegetable shipments getting over the ups and downs caused by shipping gaps from the coastal areas?
Initial Georgia peach shipments from the Fort Valley area got underway the week of May 18th. With the arrival of June, Georgia peaches are now moving in good, steady volume. Shipments should continue most of the summer…..South Carolina peach shipments are on a similar schedule with a little more volume.….Meanwhile, California stone fruit moves into volume beginning in late June and continuing through July….Washington state stone fruit shipments will build in volume in August for peak peach shipments during September.
California vegetable shipments this spring have been anything but good and predictable for produce haulers. Is that about to change? Maybe, but don’t necessarily bet on it.
Hot weather in the early spring with shipments out of the desert areas and then the Huron District of the San Joaquin Valley, vegetables were maturing ahead of schedule. However, with the seasonal shift of California vegetables to the coastal areas, colder than normal weather has put harvest and shipments later than usual. It also has resulted in shipping gaps and lighter than normal volumes in many cases.
Georgia peach shipments got off to a very light start a couple of weeks ago, but should experience a significant volume increase by the middle of June. However, the best loading opportunities from the Fort Valley area will take place during the month of July. Shipments should continue until at least the middle of August. So far, Georgia peach loadings have been only about 30 percent of normal due to a harsh winter and early spring weather conditions.
Meanwhile, South Carolina peach shipments only started about a week ago, which like Georgia, are running a week or two later than normal. The best loading opportunities for South Carolina peaches will be from about mid July until the middle of August, with the season ending by Labor Day.
Here’s a preview of Georgia peach shipments and South Carolina peach shipments, which will be starting soon. Additionally, most loading opportunities for potatoes around the country these day are limited mostly to three states.
Shipments of Georiga peaches will be light, especially when loadings get underway the first half of May, thanks in part to a late March freeze. The first half of June will also see lighter-than-normal volume. However, with the maturing of later variety Georgia peaches, the month of July should experience more normal shipments.
Most of the peach shippers are located in the Fort Valley area, just south of Macon.
South Carolina peach loadings typically follow Georgia’s start about a week or so later. Carolina peaches also were hit by that March freeze and if anything, suffered more damage than Georgia. Intial reports indicate South Carolina lost at least half of its peach crop. The only sales of Carolina peaches in May and June will be locally. There should be better volume in July.
Potato Shipments
Although there are a few other states in the mix when it comes to current potato shipments, Idaho easily is leading the pack, followed by Colorado and Wisconsin.
Wisconsin and Colorado russet potato shipments should remain steady heading into summer. However, volume from the nation’s biggest shipper, Idaho, could decline some in May and June.
Idaho is averaging about 1700 truckload equivalents of spuds being shipped each week. Colorado is a distant second with around 600 truckloads weekly, and Wisconsin is third at about 300 truckloads per week.
In the Red River Valley of North Dakota and Minnesota about half of the sheds continue to ship, mostly red potatoes. Some of those packinghouse will close for the season anytime now, others will be following in May and only one or two sheds will still be shipping in June.
Idaho potato shipments – grossing about $3000 to Chicago.
Colorado potato shipments – about $2900 to Atlanta.
Wisconsin potato shipments – about $34oo to New York City.