Posts Tagged “orange shipments”

U.S. Citrus Shipments Crashed in 2017-18 Shipping Season

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A17U.S. citrus shipments crashed big time in the 2017-18 season.

American citrus loads plunged to 6.13 million tons last season, down 20 percent compared with 2016-17 season, and a whopping 66 percent less than the record high production of 17.8 million tons in 1997-98, according to the USDA.

Total fresh U.S. citrus shipments in 2017-18 were 3.308 million tons, off 7 percent from 2016-17 and 13 percent below 2015-16.

California represented 87 percent of all U.S. fresh citrus shipments in 2017-18, compared with 7 percent from Florida, 5 percent from Texas and 1 percent from Arizona.

Florida accounted for 36 percent of total U.S. citrus loadings, compared with 59 percent for California. Texas and Arizona shipped the remaining 5 percent.

Florida Citrus Shipments

Thanks to citrus greening disease and Hurricane Irma in 2017, Florida’s citrus volume continued to plunge in the 2017-18 season.

Florida’s orange shipments stood at 45 million boxes last season, which was down 35 percent from the previous season. Grapefruit volume in Florida, at 3.88 million boxes in 2017-18, crashed by 50 percent from the previous season.  Florida’s total citrus shipments decreased 37 percent from the previous season, the USDA said.

Fresh shipments of Florida citrus were rated at 221,000 tons, down 30 percent from 317,000 tons in 2016-17 and off 50 percent from 2015-16.

Bearing citrus acreage in Florida, at 400,900 acres in 2017-18, was 9,800 acres below the 2016-17 season.

In California, the USDA reported citrus loadings dropped 7 percent from the 2016-17 season. California’s total orange shipments, at 45.4 million boxes, was 6 percent lower than the previous season. The state’s grapefruit volume was down 9 percent from the 2016-17; tangerine and mandarin loadings were off 19 percent.

California’s fresh citrus shipments was 2.88 million tons in 2017-18, down 5 percent from 2016-17 and down 9 percent from 2015-16.
In Texas, loadings of citrus was up 9 percent  from the 2016-17 season. Orange volume is up 37 percent from the previous season, but grapefruit volume was unchanged.

Texas citrus shipments was 175,000 tons in 2017-18, up 8 percent from 2016-17 and 11 percent higher than 2015-16.

Arizona lemon loadings in 2017-18 was down 35 percent from last season.  Arizona fresh citrus shipments was 32,000 tons in 2017-18, down 29 percent 2016-17 and down 32 percent from 2015-16.

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Big Jump in Florida Citrus Shipments are Forecast; U.S. Also is Up

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A20Florida citrus shipments for the 2018-19 season is forecast at 86.9 million boxes, a 75 percent increase from last year’s Hurricane Irma damaged crop, according to the USDA.

Citrus shipments are still far below Florida’s peak volume of 244 million boxes during the 1997-98 season.

“This citrus production forecast offers a glimmer of hope to Florida’s iconic citrus industry,” said Adam Putnam, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture, in a statement. “For more than a decade, we’ve battled citrus greening and the industry most recently was dealt a devastating blow last year from Hurricane Irma. This estimated increase in production is the much-anticipated good news that Florida’s growers have hoped for. Much work remains, but the citrus industry is strong and here to stay.”

Florida’s forecast for all oranges is set at 79 million boxes for 2018-19, up an impressive 76 percent from 44.95 million boxes in 2017-18, notes the USDA.

For grapefruit, the USDA forecast Florida shipments at 6.7 million boxes in 2018-19, up 72 percent from 3.88 million boxes from 2017-18.  Florida red grapefruit shipments was 5.5 million boxes, up from 3.18 million boxes last season.

Florida tangerine/mandarin shipments for the 2018-19 season is 1.2 million boxes, up from 60 percent from last season.

California and Texas

California growers and shippers also are expecting to ship more volume.

The California navel orange shipments for 2018-19 is 49 million boxes is up 8 percent from last season’s final shipments. The California valencia orange forecast is 9 million boxes, down 5 percent from last season’s final utilization. The Texas all-orange shipping forecast is at 2.4 million boxes, is up 28 percent from last season’s final utilization, the USDA said.

The U.S. 2018-2019 grapefruit shipments are is forecast 33 percent higher than last season’s final utilization. In Texas, expected production of 6.2 million boxes is up 29 percent from a year ago.

The forecast for the 2018-2019 U.S. lemon crop is down 4 percent from last season’s final shipments. California volume forecast is at 20 million boxes is off 6 percent from the 2017-2018 season.

The USDA said the U.S. tangerine and mandarin crop is forecast up 22 percent from last season’s final loadings. California tangerine and mandarin forecast, at 23 million boxes, is up 20 percent from the previous year.

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Lettuce Shipping Updates: Salinas, Huron and Desert Areas; Navel Orange Volume to Increase

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DSCN0842Lettuce cuttings have just got underway in the Huron district on the Westside of the San Joaquin Valley, while Salinas Valley lettuce shipments will continue for a few more weeks….Meanwhile, a double digit increase in navel shipments is forecast for California oranges.

In fact, Salinas lettuce is expected to continue until mid November.  Mid November also is when initial lettuce shipments will get underway from the desert areas of California and Arizona, within a week of Thanksgiving (November 22nd).

The Nunes Co.  of Salinas reports there has been an oversupply of lettuce and organic vegetables this past summer.

Church Bros. LLC of Salinas expects reduced lettuce shipments in late October until Huron moves into volume.

Salinas Valley vegetables – grossing about $7800 to New York City.

Navel Shipments

California navel orange shipments for the 2018-19 season are forecast to be  11 percent larger than last season, rebounding from a short crop a year ago.

The initial 2018-19 navel orange forecast from the USDA and the California Department of Food and Agriculture is 80 million cartons, up 11 percent from the previous year.  Government survey data shows a statewide fruit set per tree of 426, well above the five-year average of 333.

Of the total navel orange forecast, 77 million cartons are estimated to be in the Central Valley, according to the forecast.

Central San Joaquin Valley citrus – grossing about $5100 to Chicago.

Import concerns

While the forecast for increase navel shipments is good news, there are some concerns about declining navel orange acres in California.

Navel orange bearing acreage in California’s Central Valley has dropped from a peak of about 135,000 acres in 2009 to just 113,000 acres for 2018-19, according to the California Citrus Mutual of Exeter, CA.

Inexpensive Southern Hemisphere imports have arrived early and stayed late, squeezing returns for California growers and contributing to a long-term decline in acreage.

While this year’s California navel crop will be higher than the short crop of a year ago, there is continuing concern about long-term acreage declines related to imports.

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Florida Navel Shipping Estimate is Once Again Lowered

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DSCN0036The mid-season, and navel orange shipments forecast for Florida is now at 19 million boxes, down 10 percent from November and off 42  percent from a year ago.

The report from December 12th places the Florida orange forecast at 46 million 90-pound boxes, down 8 percent the November estimate and 33 percent lower than last season’s final shipments.

Florida’s valencia orange forecast, at 27 million boxes, is 7 percent lower than November and 24 percent down from last season, according to the USDA.

Florida grapefruit production was estimated at 4.65 million (85-pound) boxes, unchanged from November but down 40 percent from last season    Now three months after Hurricane Irma, the crop shipping forecast reductions come as the Florida citrus industry seeks federal emergency funding to support growers hurt by the hurricane.

“This second reduction underscores the dire need for federal disaster assistance,” Shannon Shepp, executive director of the Florida Department of Citrus, said in a news release.  “Florida citrus growers are making decisions on next season’s crop now and they need to know they have the support necessary to keep this American icon alive.”

In October, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services estimated that growers suffered more than $760 million in damages due to Hurricane Irma.

“This is exactly what we thought would happen as the true damage begins to rear its ugly head in the groves across Florida,” said Michael Sparks, executive vice president and CEO of Florida Citrus Mutual.  “Unfortunately the situation is going to get worse before it gets better; we think the actual size of the 2017-2018 crop will not be known until the season is over and all the fruit is picked”

Sparks said the latest estimates are evidence that Congress needs to pass a citrus relief package so Florida growers can rebuild.

In the December crop production report, California and Texas orange production forecasts were carried forward from November and were not changed, the USDA said.

Florida’s total orange shipments are still slightly ahead of California. According to the December crop estimate, Florida will produce 2.07 million tons of oranges in 2017-18, slightly more than the 1.84 million tons of oranges forecast in California.

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California Navel Shipping Update; Pacific Trellis to Import Brazilian Table Grapes

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PacificTrellisCalifornia navel orange shipments will be down this season, but just how much is not yet known.  Additionally, Pacific Trellis announces plans to import Brazilian grapes.

The first California navels were only shipped within the past week or so, with pretty good volume occurring by early November.

Still, decent shipments are expected with the early forecast of 70 million cartons for the 2017-18 shipping season, of which 68 million will come out of the Central San Joaquin Valley.

The total volume has conventional, organic and specialty navel oranges, including pigmented varieties, such as cara cara and blood oranges.

Among the reason many observers give for fewer navel orange shipments relates to a survey of growers indicating a fruit set per tree of 273, below the five-year average of 348. The average September 1st diameter size was 2.34 inches, above the five-year average of 2.24 inches.

The lighter fruit set also is on fewer acres due to drought and storms last spring.

Acreage is 115,000 this year, down from 120,000 bearing acres a year ago and 135,000 from 2006-09.


Pacific Trellis to Import Grapes

By Pacific Trellis Fruit

Pacific Trellis Fruit, Los Angeles, CA has announced a partnership with Labrunier, the largest table grape producer in Brazil.    With over 900 hectares (2223 acres) in production Labrunier, located in the state of Bahia, has one of the world’s largest areas for growing and testing new table grape varieties selected for flavor, crop yield and adversity to disease.  Labrunier’s entire production is internationally certified by Rainforest Alliance.

With the first arrivals of green seedless varieties available at the end of October, these premium quality grapes will be in good supply for the holiday shipping season.

New varieties include Francis, Sweet Mayabelle, Candy Snaps, Timco, Sweet Celebration, Sugar Crisp and Sweet Globe.  The program from Brazil provides North American retailers the opportunity to continue the offerings of new variety grapes to consumers as the California crop winds down.

Fazendas Labrunier and Pacific Trellis Fruit have teamed up to provide the premium and new grape varieties with strong early season import volume,” explains Aryan Schut, Commercial Manager. 



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CA Valencia Shipments Have Started; P.E.I Potato Shipping Update

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DSCN9477Summer valencia and other California citrus shipments are underway….Meanwhile, there is less acreage and growers of potatoes in Canada, but volume is maintained.

Navel orange shipments from California are finishing early as valencia orange loadings  as will as lemons and other citrus are gearing up.

California primarily ships valencia oranges during the summer months with this season’s crop being moderate size, coming off of about 70,000 acres.

California navel orange shipments will end this month instead of their normal conclusion around the Fourth of July.  In fact, navel loadings destined for the East Coast concluded with the beginning of June.  California growers shipped 82 million cartons of navels this season, as compared to 94 million cartons in 2016.

Valencias are often referred to as the ‘summer orange’ since peak supplies are available June through September.  Higher than usual valencia shipments are seen since navels are ending early.

Fewer California lemon shipments are seen this season.  However, more imported lemons are seen coming from Chile, Argentina and South Africa for deliveries throughout North America.

Canadian Potato Shipments

Prince Edward Island continues to reduce its potato acreage, but remains the largest shipper of spuds in the country, according to Statistics Canada’s census of agriculture.

Island farmers planted 83,326 acres in 2016, down from 386,561 acres in 2011, but that was still close to a quarter of all the potato land in Canada. That number has dropped off in recent decades. Until 2005, the province was planting more than 98,842 acres a year.

The second biggest grower was Manitoba, at 67,672 acres.

While the number of acres grown was down just 3.7 per cent, the number of farms reporting was down significantly. In 2011, 300 farms reported potato fields and in 2016 that was down to 247.

That means the average potato farm is getting a lot bigger.  In 2011 the average P.E.I. potato farmer put in 289 acres. In 2016 that was up to 338 acres.

Canadian Fruit Shipments

While shipments are not anything near Canadian potatoe  shipments, fruit shipments are becoming a larger part of Island agriculture, with blueberry shipments leading the pack.

Acreage of fruit, berries and nuts were up 12 per cent between the two censuses, amounting to 14,388 acres.  The huge majority of that, 96.5 per cent of it, was blueberries.

Apples also saw a significant increase, from 126 to 153 acres.

Overall, the number of farms on the Island fell 9.5 per cent, to 1,353.


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Florida Citrus Loads are Expected to Have Further Decline

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DSCN8844Citrus shipments from the Florida industry continues to decline, with the loading of oranges dropping another million boxes in the past month.

The USDA reports February 9th  that orange growers will ship 70 million 90-pound boxes to market.  The season, which peaks during the winter months, had shown some promise in November.  At that time industry analysts predicted 72 million boxes.

However, in January, the forecast dipped to 71 million.  That is a 14 percent decline from last season’s final Florida orange shipping report.

Valencia production estimates from January to February held even at 35 million boxes, but the prediction for early, mid-season and navel oranges dropped from 36 million to 35 million boxes.

“Today’s forecast reflects a true utilization of early, mid-season, and navel varieties. We hope for higher numbers of valencia production as we continue through the second half of the season,” executive director of the Florida Department of Citrus Shannon Shepp said in a news release.

Oranges make up about 65 percent of Florida citrus trees and fresh loadings account for about 4percent of orange shipments.

Overall production estimates of all oranges, which also includes California and Texas, dropped 1 percent, to 5.35 million tons, from January’s estimate. That is a 10 percent slump from overall shipments a year ago.

Citrus greening, weather and other issues have created challenges for Florida’s citrus production, which accounts for almost half of the total U.S. harvest.

In its February report, the USDA kept California’s orange crop estimates the same at 53 million 80-pound boxes to be shipped, with 44 million boxes of navel, early and mid-season oranges and 9 million boxes of valencias for shipping.

Florida grapefruit estimates remained steady at 9 million 85-pound boxes. California grapefruit production estimates were also the same from January, with 4.1 million 80-pound boxes.

Florida produce shipments, ranging from vegetables to melons, berries and citrus – grossing about $2500 to New York City.

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Florida Citrus Shipments to Have Adequate Volume

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dscn8614There is good news for Florida citrus shipments as adequate volumes on most items are expected this season.

U.S. growers have been harvesting grapefruit and oranges for juices in high volumes while navels and tangerines were hitting the fresh market in limited, but increasing volumes.
The USDA projection for early, midseason and navel varieties in Florida is up 6 percent from October, at 36 million boxes, but down slightly from last season’s final shipments.
Some observers believe Florida citrus volume has finally bottomed out and is getting ready to increase again, although this could take five to 10 years.  It was not indicated, but could this bottoming out be an indication the industry is turning the corner in fight citrus greening, which has been devastating  Florida citrus groves?
Orange Shipments
The USDA has projected 2016-2017 Florida orange shipments  at 72 million boxes, up 3 percent from October.
The USDA forecast of 72 million boxes was down 12 percent from last season’s final shipments.
The forecast of 36 million boxes of Florida valencia oranges for November was the same as the October forecast, down 21 percent from last season’s final volume.
Juice orange volume is expected to be substantially down the latter part of the season.  Florida is expecting could Valencia movement as California’s valencia season has ended and the imported navel season has finished.
Grapefruit Shipments
The Indian River and central Florida citrus regions escaped serious damage from Hurricane Matthew, which rolled along the state’s East Coast in early October.
Florida is predicted to ship 9.6 million cartons — 11 percent lower than last season and the lowest level in 50 years.
There has been a shortage of tangerines, although volume has been increasing in recent weeks.
Coming in our December 5th  post, a look at Florida fall vegetable shipments.
South and Central Florida citrus and vegetables – grossing about $2100 to New York City.

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Holiday Shipping Outlook: Texas, Mexico and Red River Valley

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dscn8445As we plow right into the holiday shipping season, here’s a look at loading opportunities from South Texas and Mexico to the Red River Valley.

Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas fruit shipments began in early October with grapefruit, but volume has been increasing leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday.  A significant increase in loadings is expected after Thanksgiving and leveling off to more steady shipments through January.

South Texas orange shipment also got going in October and were in full swing with the arrival of November.   However, Texas orange shipments only account for  about 25 percent of the total citrus volume.

Mexican avocado Imports

Mexican Avocado Imports are Increasing through South Texas and big volumes are seen again through the winter months.  During the 2016-17 shipping season, Mexican avocado shipments should hit about 2 billion pounds, similar to a year ago.

Lower Rio Grande Valley citrus, plus crossings from Mexico of tropical fruits and vegetables – grossing about $2600 to Chicago; $4100 to New York City.

Red River Valley Potato shipments

Red potato shipments from the Red River Valley, the nation’s largest red potato producer, will be down more than one-third from last year’s big crop, and 20 percent less than the five-year average.  There were thousands of acreage lost to excessive rains ranging from Grand Forks, ND to the Canadian border.

It is estimated only 64,000 out of 80,000 planted potato acres in North Dakota will be harvested.  One potato production forecast is at 19.8 million hundredweight (cwt.), down 28 percent from last year. However, another forecast believes an additional 4 million cwt. has been lost.  Most of the acres lost were in northeast North Dakota on non-irrigated land.  The state’s processing crop which yields much higher was largely unaffected by heavy rains.

Whichever estimate turns out to be more accurate, red potato volume from the Red River Valley will be far less than 2015-16 when 27.6 million cwt. of potatoes were shipped.

Red River Valley potatoes – grossing about $1700 to Chicago; $2600 to Dallas.




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California Shipments: An Update from Citrus to Vegetables

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DSCN7470California navel orange shipments are winding down for the season as loadings of Valencias are on the horizon.  Meanwhile, Salinas Valley inconsistent vegetable shipments are enough to drive one nuts!

Shipments of California navel oranges from the San Joaquin Valley are is entering its home stretch, and volume is great than originally expected.  Meanwhile, shipping gaps with Salinas Valley lettuce are occurring as predicted.

Orange shipments could surpass the 86 million cartons the National Agricultural Statistics Service predicted for the 2015-16 season.

As it is, an 86-million carton haul would be a more than 8 percent increase from last year’s 76 million cartons harvested.  This would come with at least 2,000 fewer acres of bearing trees in the ground.

The amount of fruit that has been shipped as fresh and not diverted to juice — have consistently scored above 80 percent all season.

Shipments should continue through June.

Meanwhile, some Valencia orange shippers are beginning to pick what is expected to be a 21 million-carton crop as packing houses are shipping exports.  Most shipments will begin after navels are completed.  California had about 20 million cartons of Valencias last year.  This was a little more than half the 39 million cartons produced in 2001-02 season.

Southern California orange shipments from grossing about $5300 to Atlanta.

Bell Pepper Shipments

Meanwhile bell pepper shipments have hit stride in the California desert from the Coachella Valley.  Red, green and yellow peppers should be shipping into June, before loadings will shift to the Selma, CA area.

Lettuce Shipments

Just when really good vegetable volume should be building in the Salinas Valley, the leading items  — various types of lettuce — are experiencing serious shipping gaps.  The cause is weather, ranging from heat in the mid 90s, to ice on the product due to cold nights, plus winds up to 40 mph.

The only sure thing from now until we get into June, is much lighter volume than normal, plus quality issues.  Just make sure you and your receiver know what’s being placed in the truck.

California Cherry Shipments

Reports are coming in from heavy rains that hit the California cherry crop a week ago.  Anywhere from 20 to 50 percent of the of the remaining shipments will be knocked out.

The good news is loadings  were actually up over last year in California through May 7th.   Around 23 million pounds were shipped the week ending May 7th, up from 10.9 million pounds from last year in the same week.

Season-to-date, about 32 million pounds had been shipped, up from 15.5 million pounds in 2015.

California cherry shipments are expected to be finished by around May 20th.

San Joaquin Valley cherries and vegetables – grossing about $4500 to Chicago.

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