Archive For The “Trucking Reports” Category

Tomato Shipments are Becoming More Steady Following Summer Storms

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Stormy summer weather limited tomato shipments from the East Coast, while California loadings have remained steady.

Markon Cooperative reports the “East Coast has lower volume due to previous tropical storms that impacted plant health and reduced yields” and “Tennessee and North Carolina regions are expected to have a shorter season this year; additional grading is required.”

Florida is still a fews weeks away from commercial production.

Meanwhile, California round and Roma tomato production is steady.

“Round tomatoes from Northern California are of good quality; 6×6 and 6×7 sizes dominate the crop,” Markon said. “Roma quality is good; large to jumbo sizes are more prevalent.”

Mexico sees steady volume as it works through previous weather-related quality issues.

“Vine-ripe and Roma volume in Jalisco and San Luis Potosi is on the lighter side due to prior rain storms. Overall volume had increased by mid-October.

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California Navel Orange Shipments Forecast down 14 Percent for 2021-22

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The initial 2021-22 California Navel orange shipping forecast is 70.0 million cartons, down 14% from the previous year, according to a report by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).

Of the total Navel orange forecast, 67 million cartons are estimated to be in the Central Valley. Cara Cara variety Navel orange production in the Central Valley is forecast at 6 million cartons.

These forecasts are based on the results of the 2021-22 Navel Orange Objective Measurement (O.M.) Survey, which was conducted from June 15 to Sept. 1, 2021.

Estimated fruit set per tree, fruit diameter, trees per acre, bearing acreage, and oranges per box were used in the statistical models estimating production.

This forecast includes production of conventional, organic, and specialty Navel oranges (including Cara Cara and Blood orange varieties).

Survey data indicated a fruit set per tree of 239, down 25% from the previous year and below the five-year average of 344. The average Sept. 1 diameter was 2.145 inches, below the five-year average of 2.208 inches. The Cara Cara orange set was 211 with a diameter of 2.146 inches.

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SnapDragon Apple Shipments to Increase 25% This Season

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LOCKPORT, N.Y. — Crunch Time Apple Growers, a New York State-based cooperative of 152 member growers, announced its largest anticipated crop volume of SnapDragon™ apples: 400,000 bushels, a 25 percent increase year-over-year. The sweet, crisp apples are being packed and shipped, with the first apples hitting select produce aisles now, and wider distribution expected in Q4 2021 and Q1 2022.

This harvest season will also mark the first with three new distribution partners: Applewood Fresh Growers LLC, and
Riveridge Produce Marketing, both of Sparta, MI; and Rice Fruit Company, Gardners, PA. These new packers and shippers will allow Crunch Time Apple Growers to expand its geographic reach among existing grocers and new retail partners, particularly in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic.

“While other premium apple varieties grown elsewhere in the U.S. have seen challenges, we’re seeing really good size, color and flavor as harvest begins in upstate New York,” said Jessica Wells, Crunch Time Apple Growers executive director. “After months of nurturing the crop, our growers are excited to get SnapDragon apples, with their Monster Crunch and amazing flavor, into the hands of consumers. We know from our social media channels consumers are ready too.”

“SnapDragon is a variety that changes what people think of eating apples,” said fifth-generation farmer Joel Crist of Crist Bros. Orchards Inc. and Crunch Time Apple Growers board chair. “SnapDragon has always been about elevating the consumer eating experience and driving consumption of fresh apples. It’s easy for us to understand why, in a very short period of time, SnapDragon has risen to the top of the pack.”

To demonstrate the ongoing success of SnapDragon in the premium apple category since its release in 2014, Crunch Time Apple Growers recently partnered with Category Partners, a top market analyst firm for the food and beverage industry, to study the top 10 retailers that carried SnapDragon apples during the 2020 crop year (October 2020 to June 2021), in addition to reported Nielsen data. The findings showed:

  • SnapDragon was ranked the sixth most popular premium apple variety nationwide and the top premium apple grown on the East Coast.
  • SnapDragon generated year-over-year volume growth in all of the top 10 retailers and was the only apple that showed growth across all retailers in the study.
  • SnapDragon posted double-digit sales growth year-over-year in the East Coast market.
  • SnapDragon grew seven percent overall in volume year-over-year across all markets.
  • In terms of dollar growth, SnapDragon generated the 10th strongest performance among the 26 identified premium apple varieties.

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Good Fall Volume is Seen for California Strawberry Shipments

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While strawberries may be seen more as a summer shipping item, good fall volume is seen for the months ahead.

Nearly 25 percent of total California fresh strawberry shipments in 2020 were shipped from September through December, according to USDA figures.

As of August 8, fresh strawberry shipments from California had totaled 137.7 million crates, down from 145.4 million crates the same time last year, but similar to 137.1 million trays two years ago. At the same time in 2020, about 31% of the of 210-million-crate 2020 crop remained to be shipped.

California fresh strawberry volume was running at 5.9 million crates for the week ending August 7.

Well- Pict of Watsonville, CA reports hot weather in the West has not affected strawberry production as much it may have had an effect on other crops. The weather in California strawberry growing regions had not been a hot as in other growing areas with the exception of a short hot period in May. Watsonville fields have been producing a steady crop of good color, size and tasting strawberries that is expected to continue into the later parts of October.

That crop will then be supplemented by Well-Pict’s summer-planted crop in Oxnard.

The California Strawberry Commission of Watsonville projected weekly volume in the fall period of summer-planted strawberries, grown in Santa Maria and Oxnard, is expected to be up about 5% compared with 2020. California’s total fresh shipments for the 2021 season will fall somewhere between the 202-million-crate crop in 2019 and 210 million crates packed in 2020.

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Peruvian Table Grape Exports Could Exceed 60 Million Boxes for First Time

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The Peruvian table grape industry is forecast to export a record volume of fruit in the upcoming season, with the first estimate pegging shipments above 60 million boxes for the first time.

In its first forecast of the 2021-22 campaign, industry body Provid said exports were on course to rise by 9 percent year-on-year to 62.5 million boxes equivalent to 8.2 kilograms.

“We are strengthened by our varietal reconversion to more attractive varieties and the successful diversification of volume to different markets,” said Provid President Manuel Yzaga.

He added that Provid and phytosanitary watchdog SENASA have done a good job of opening up new markets to the Peruvian table grape industry over recent years, with the Japanese market also likely to soon be available to shippers. In addition, he said the industry was working to be able to export grapes to China via air freight.

“As Peru is the second largest exporter of table grapes in the world ranking, Provid is responsible for providing key information that will enable suppliers, markets and other stakeholders to manage volumes as efficiently as possible,” he added.

Yzaga went on to say that for this season, the challenges for growers and packers is to supply grapes of good quality and condition to achieve the best possible economic returns, “especially considering the complex environment in which we find ourselves due to the global pandemic”.

“Workers, strategic allies of the sector – we have made a call to our associates to maintain and surpass the already good labor standards that characterize us.

“Shipping lines, logistics agents, SENASA, among others – we must be able to absorb growth efficiently and effectively.”

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Northwest Fresh Pear Shipments Expected to be Average

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By Pear Bureau Northwest

PORTLAND, Ore. – With harvest in full swing throughout the four growing regions of the Pacific Northwest, the pear industry is releasing the first official estimate of the 2021-22 fresh pear crop for Washington and Oregon. The industry’s fresh pear estimate is 16.1 million standard box equivalents, which is very close to a four-year average.

“Pear growers are reporting an excellent quality crop this season with some saying it is the best they have seen in a decade,” stated Kevin Moffitt, President and CEO of Pear Bureau Northwest (PBNW). “The fruit finish for this year’s pear crop is outstanding with beautiful shape and high sugars.”

Harvest started in early August for summer varieties like Starkrimson and Bartletts across all regions, with growers beginning to pick Bosc, Green and Red Anjou within the last half of August. Specialty pears like Comice, Seckel, Forelle and Concorde pears became available in September. 

The organic pear estimate is expected to come in at 1.94 million standard boxes, which is nearly 12% of the total projected Northwest crop. 

“The industry is passionate about providing consumers with the best possible eating experience,” stated Moffitt. “To meet consumer demands for sweet and juicy pears to enjoy 1 to 3 days from purchase, the industry continues to expand and promote the conditioning program, which is proven to increase retail sales and enhance the consumer eating experience.” Moffitt continued.

About Pear Bureau Northwest/USA Pears

Pear Bureau Northwest is a non-profit marketing organization established in 1931 to promote the fresh pears grown in Washington and Oregon, home to 87% of the US commercial fresh pear crop. The Bureau represents over 800 grower families and partners with outlets throughout the world in an effort to increase overall success with the pear category.

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Giumarra Expands Citrus Program With New California Volume

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LOS ANGELES – The Giumarra Companies is expanding its domestic citrus program with the addition of a new influx of California-grown mandarins in October.

“We’re nearly tripling our domestic mandarin volume during a key timeframe when citrus is in high demand and health and wellness are still top of mind for consumers,” said Alex Marriott, Category Citrus Lead – Domestic for the Giumarra Companies. “Our overall citrus program is growing and we are well-positioned to service our retail partners with high quality, consistent supplies throughout fall and winter.”

The mandarins will be packed under Giumarra’s Bright Bites™ brand and are accompanied by the company’s full line of seasonal California citrus offerings, including oranges, Cara Caras, lemons, and grapefruit.

“Citrus is an important category to Giumarra’s core product line and we are building our program to become a one-stop shop for high-quality product, consolidation, and support services for our customers,” said Jeannine Martin, Director of Sales – Reedley and Corporate Vice President for the Giumarra Companies.

The Giumarra Companies offers citrus from domestic and international growers packed under its Nature’s Partner family of brands.

About the Giumarra Companies

The Giumarra Companies is a leading international network of fresh produce growers, distributors, and marketers that encompasses a world of flavor and freshness. Since its inception in 1922, the company has taken pride in a longstanding commitment to quality, service, and industry leadership. Products packed under Giumarra’s trusted family of brands are supported by a suite of top-tier services and enjoyed by consumers daily. Together with our partners, we’re feeding the world in a healthy way.

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Natural Delights Date Shipments Should Have Promising Year

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YUMA, AZ — Just in time for the annual Medjool date harvest, Bard Valley Natural Delights® shares Information Resources, Inc. (IRI) data showing a promising year for the category, and even more so for the Natural Delights brand.

According to IRI data pulled on June 27, 2021, the total Medjool date category is up 5.7% year over year (YOY). Bard Valley Natural Delights growth is up 6.4%, outpacing competitors and driving overall category growth. 

Some key insights from this data also show that fixed weight packaged products are up 7.5% YOY, a trend that has been accelerated with the rising concerns with bulk products during COVID. The brand expects that shoppers will continue to prefer more packaged products in the 2021-22 year.

Organic product growth is up a staggering 14.5%. Bard Valley Natural Delights organic product growth is up 15% which, much like overall category growth, shows that the brand is leading organic category growth as well. Bard Valley Natural Delights continues to invest in organic products by converting many of their groves to USDA Certified Organic and broadening product lines to include both conventional and organic varieties. 

“We’ve been meeting the needs of organic shoppers for several years now, so this data is encouraging as we continue to expand our product lines to include organic options,” added Baxter.

About Bard Valley Natural Delights®

Natural Delights® Medjool Dates, the leading Medjool date brand in the country, is a naturally sweet, whole fresh fruit grown in Bard Valley at the intersection of Arizona, California and Mexico where its very specific set of growing conditions are met.

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Idaho-Eastern Oregon Potato Shipments to be Down this Season

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Fewer loadings are seen this season by Idaho-eastern Oregon onion shippers due to weather factors.

Snake River Produce of Nyssa, OR reports good supplies of all onion sizes, but the hot weather had a negative impact on yields.

The Idaho-Eastern Oregon onion growing region experienced temperatures hovering at or above 100 degrees beginning in late June. Combine the heat with a very dry and windy spring, yields are expected to be down from 2020.

Owyhee Produce of Parma, ID reports yields being down in the Treasure Valley significantly from both last year and the 5-year average.The company expects to be down 20% from its 5-year average, which would be off 30% to 40% from last year. Last year’s yields were 20% above normal.


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California Fall Pomegranate Shipments are Looking Favorable

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California pomegranates are a true fall fruit, with nearly all shipments of whole fruit moved from September through December.

2020 shipments of pomegranates from California were up 7% from in 2019, according to the USDA.

Suppliers report a good outlook for the pomegranate crop, despite hot weather during the growing season.

Pomegranate harvest started the first week in September for Trinity Fruit Co. of Fresno, CA.

The company markets a proprietary variety called Aco from Israel in September, and wonderful pomegranates begin the first week of October. Organic wonderful pomegranates also will be available in October.

Trinity Fruit expects a similar crop to last year, except its early crop will significantly increase due to new plantings coming into production. 

Because of hot weather, pomegranate coloring has been developing slower than usual, but quality is expected to be excellent. Whole fruit pomegranates will be marketed through December, while the company’s arils will continue into April.

Trinity Fruit reports increasing demand every year and this year is going to be no exception.

The company notes imports compliment California supply, resulting in nearly year-round availability of pomegranates and arils.

Flavor Tree Fruit Co. LLC. of Hanford, CA had its largest crop last year, and is expecting an even larger crop this season. 

The company expects to ship about 1.3 million 25-pound cartons of pomegranates.

Flavor Tree Fruit Co. has an aril production facility in Kern County, which is a fast growing business. Aril shipments start at the end of October and continue through February, or March if quality is good.

Whole pomegranate shipments may continue until about the second week of January at Flavor Tree, just long enough to have some fruit for Super Bowl parties.

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