Posts Tagged “Broccoli”

Quality Problems Hit Broccoli Supplies; Caution Urged When Loading

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Markon First Crop (MFC) Asian-Cut Broccoli Crowns from the Salinas, California and Central Mexico growing regions are currently not available; Markon Best Available and packer label supplies will be substituted temporarily.

Salinas Valley broccoli crops are experiencing an uptick in insect activity:

  • Diamondback moth larvae are feeding on outer leaves and crowns before pupating and emerging as adult moths
  • While common to see increased insect activity in the late summer/early fall, an extended period of above-average temperatures created ideal conditions that growers have struggled to keep in check
  • Although harvesting and processing crews for commodity and value-added broccoli packs are working to cull any product that shows signs of insects/insect damage, they are often difficult to detect and can’t be avoided completely

Mexican grown supplies are exhibiting similar defects from elevated insect pressure, with obvious evidence of insect damage in most packs.

Very thorough inspection and washing of commodity broccoli are highly recommended at the end-user level for the next two to three weeks.

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Hapco Farms is Now Shipping Domestic Broccoli Year Around

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Hapco Farms of Westhampton Beach, NY, has tripled its broccoli acreage on the East Coast this year and now ships domestically grown broccoli 12 months a year.

With new acreage in Florida and North Carolina, Hapco Farms reports it is now the largest grower of broccoli on the East Coast.

The company’s goal is to grow product as close to its customers as possible. It is moving acreage from Mexico to the United States, specifically the East Coast, which allows delivery of product fresher, faster and cheaper.

Since Hapco Farms already had acreage in these areas, expanding growing operations there was the natural next step, and it now has the ability to supply U.S.-grown product on a year-round basis.

Hapco’s broccoli season in Florida runs from December through March. It transitions to North Carolina for a small window in mid-May to early June before moving to Maine for the summer. North Carolina production resumes in late October and runs until Florida picks up again in December.

Having expanded acreage also will provide opportunities to grow and ship other commodities, such as cauliflower and sweet corn. 

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Green Giant Survey: Broccoli is America’s Favorite Vegetable in 2022

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A new Green Giant poll shows broccoli remains America’s favorite vegetable in 2022.

The Green Giant brand polled over 5,000 Americans for its annual ‘Favorite Veggie’ open-ended survey to determine consumers’ favorite vegetables.

Key survey findings include:

  • Broccoli Takes the Crown (Again): Broccoli is the favorite vegetable in 29 states. Runners up (in order of popularity) are corn, carrots, potatoes and asparagus.
  • Flipped on Favorites: More than half of the states (54%) swapped their favorite vegetable pick in 2022 including Iowa – which no longer chose corn as the favorite, but instead selected broccoli this year.
  • Corn Continues to Grow: Despite Iowa’s rebuff of corn, 11 states selected corn as their favorite veggie in 2022. A 37% increase in popularity from 2021.
  • Kids Crave Veggies: Contrary to popular belief, more than two thirds of parents surveyed (68%) say their kids enjoy eating vegetables.

Survey Data Compilation: 5,321 American consumers ages 18-94 agreed to take an online survey naming their favorite vegetable. The survey was conducted from 4/27/22 through 5/9/2022 and the users were recruited by a Suzy poll.

About Green Giant:
Green Giant® has been been in the vegetable business over 100 years.
Most recently, the Green Giant brand’s launch of its convenient and award-winning Veggie Swap-Ins® line, which includes Green Giant Riced Veggies, Green Giant Veggie Tots®, Green Giant Mashed Cauliflower and Green Giant Veggie Spirals®, has reinvigorated the frozen vegetable category.

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Broccoli Producer Atlantic Fresh is Increasing Shipments

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Atlantic Fresh, which specializes in broccoli production, offers east coast broccoli to local and regional customers four or more days sooner than west coast providers, due to location.

The company, based in Clarks Summit, PA, is currently harvesting broccoli in Florida, recently added new farms in North Carolina, New Jersey and New York in 2018, and other locations have expanded their production acres as well. The increase in production is in response to growing consumer demand for broccoli. With 51 percent of grocery shoppers purchasing broccoli, and increased purchasing year over year, broccoli is making its way onto more U.S. plates. Broccoli was the third most popular produce item shoppers said they bought in 2018 that they didn’t buy previously. While broccoli has been the main focus of Atlantic Fresh, the company has also been increasing cauliflower and organic broccoli production each year and looks forward to expanding these offerings in the future.

To complement its eastern roots and harvest one day – deliver the next philosophy, Atlantic Fresh is rolling out a fresh brand redesign and new website. The redesigned logo, with bright blue anchor design, makes a playful connection to our Atlantic coast broccoli farms. The top of the anchor silhouettes in front of a red broccoli crown, that translates into a scalloped design element used in the new packaging. The revamped design can be seen on the new website and on conventional broccoli and cauliflower boxes, organic broccoli boxes, rubber band tags, bags, and overwrap stickers. Atlantic Fresh also refreshed its popular Asian crown “dragon” carton.

Atlantic Fresh was formed in 2010 by L&M and Parker Farms. Each company has over 15 years of experience growing broccoli on the east coast of the United States, and in 2010 joined forces to offer a reliable, high quality year-round source of eastern broccoli to their customers. Atlantic Fresh grows on 14 farms across eight eastern states including Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

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Eat More Broccoli to Support a Heart Healthy America

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Sakata Seed America, IncBy Sakata Seed Co., Inc.

Broccoli is known for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties, which benefit more than just the heart; in fact, studies show that broccoli consumption can lead to better vision, healthier skin, reduced cholesterol, stronger immune system and improved digestion. Better yet, broccoli delivers a powerhouse of nutrients, while remaining low in sodium and calories.

‘Need-to-Know’ Broccoli Nutrition Facts

  • Good source of fiber
  • Good source of Potassium
  • High in Vitamins: A, B6, C
  • Nutrients: Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Iron

Sakata urges you to eat healthy, exercise and educate yourself on how to prevent heart disease. A heart healthy America starts with you. Here are some important steps for decreasing risk for yourself and others.

6 Steps Toward Building a Heart-Healthy America

  1. Increase knowledge
  2. Exercise regularly
  3. Eat healthy
  4. Manage stress
  5. Regulate weight
  6. Spread awareness

The American Heart Association has deemed February American Heart Month. As a continued supporter of the American Heart Association, Sakata is doing their part to promote a heart-healthy America. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death of American adults today. Proper diet and exercise are the building blocks of heart disease prevention, which is why finding foods that naturally prevent heart problems is crucial.

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New Broccoli Variety has More Health Promoting Compound

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by M. H. Traka, Institute of Food Research

Field trials and genetic studies have shown that a new variety of broccoli reliably yields higher levels of a health-promoting compound.

Broccoli contains a compound called glucoraphanin, which has been shown to promote health by maintaining cardiovascular health and a reduction in the risk of cancer. A long term breeding program to increase glucoraphanin levels has resulted in the commercial release of Beneforté broccoli. Beneforté was developed by crossing standard broccoli with a wild relative derived from Sicily.

Publicly funded research to develop Beneforté broccoli was led by two of the UK’s world-leading biological research institutes: the Institute of Food Research and the John Innes Centre, on the Norwich Research Park. They both receive strategic funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

Three years of field trials at over 50 different sites in Europe and the United States have shown that Beneforté broccoli consistently produces 2-3 times the amount of glucoraphanin than other leading varieties of broccoli, without affecting yield, quality or the levels of other nutrients.

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California Shipments of Oranges, Veggies and Strawberries

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Early California navel orange shipments have gotten off to a good start this season and expect to load around 93 million boxes before the season concludes.  This would be up from 83 millon cartons from the previous season.  Loadings have been steady and are expected to remain this way in the weeks ahead.

Something to keep an eye on is the restrictions California  is putting ictions on citrus fruit and plants in Tulare County after two recent detections of Asian citrus psyllid.  It is not a full quarantine, but if another psyllid is found — it would be the fourth detection.  This would trigger a two-year quarantine.  Current restrictions are in place for six months.

The psyllids, which can carry citrus greening disease, feed on citrus trees, sucking the sap and weakening them, but they can carry citrus greening, a bacterial disease.  The disease is no threat  to humans or animals, but it can stunt and even kill citrus trees.   The problem also has been detected in Florida and Texas.

Desert Shipments

In The California desert, as well as Yuma, AZ,  recent warm cauliflower and broccoli shipments  well above normal.  Loadings are usually brisk this time of year anyway as supplies to buyers for the Christmas holidays are ramping up.  A similar situation exist for various types of lettuce in the desert.


California is in between seasons now and strawberry shipments are light.  While the Watsonville area has pretty much finished, loadings are now coming out of Ventura and Orange counties.  Volume will remain light until after the first of the year.


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California Loads Continue to Rise

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Southern California orange shipments have picked up as late season citrus OrangeSlicequality has improved.   Loading opportunities for navel oranges should continue through most of June…..Looking ahead to cherry shipments, loads will become available later this year than normal – with decent volume not occurring from the Southern San Joaquin Valley until the second or third week of May.  Barring bad weather, California could ship 11 to 12 million cartons of cherries this year.

California is shipping about 1,000 truckloads of strawberries a week, with heaviest volume still coming out of Ventura County….Most lettuce loads are coming from of the Huron District in the San Joaquin Valley….Salinas has light volume with broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce and other items, but is increasing and should really get going  as we enter of the month of May.

Southern California produce – grossing about $6600 to New York City.


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California Veggie Shipping Update

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Very light shipments of California lettuce got underway last week from the Huron District of the San Joaquin Valley.  Shipments are increasing this week, but full volume isn’t expected until around Easter (April 8).  Lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower shipments from the Imperial Valley and Yuma District are finished.

Broccoli and cauliflower shipments have now seasonally transitioned from the California and Arizona deserts to the Salinas Valley.  Lettuce loadings should start from Salinas in late April.

Salinas vegetables – grossing about $4200 to Chicago.

Overall, there should be excellent quality vegetables coming out of the Salinas Valley this spring due to excellent growing conditions.  This should translate into a huge demand for trucks, especially as we enter May and the big volumes of veggies start coming out of the fields.

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California Shipping Areas to Change

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The seasonal change in California shipping areas for vegetables will be here sooner than you think.  In March shipments will start winding down from the desert areas such as the Coachella Valley and Imperial Valley, as well as the Yuma district in Arizona.  This can be a tricky time of the year, which can either result in shipping gaps as one area may finish before the other start.  However, unless adverse weather changes things it should be a fairly smooth transition this spring.

As produce shipments move from the desert up north, there is actually a limited amount of broccoli being loaded from Salinas, CA.  Broccoli volume is expected to be limited until the third or fourth week of March…..Head lettuce and leaf lettuce should start loadings in late March from Huron District in the San Joaquin Valley.  These shipments will last a month or so before transitioning to the Salinas Valley around the third week of April.

The Santa Maria District typically starts lettuce shipments ahead of Salinas and Huron.  Look for loadings of leaf, romaine and butter lettuce from Santa Maria to get underway in Mid March.

An exception to all this are carrots.  This veggie is typically shipped from the Bakersfield area from Thanksgiving to mid-March.  Then shipments will transistion southward to the desert areas of the Coachella and Imperial valleys.

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