Posts Tagged “stone fruit shipments”

Prima Wawona of Cutler, CA, the largest stone fruit producer in California’s Central Valley, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection recently, hoping to facilitate the sale of the company.
The company pointed the filing at “significant headwinds, including increased costs and weather-related impacts, that have combined to make our existing capital structure unsustainable.”
Reuters reports that the company, owned by private equity firm Paine Schwartz Partners, has about $679 million in debt, and plans to sell its business in bankruptcy, according to bankruptcy court documents.
Prima farms peaches, nectarines, plums, and apricots on its 18,000 acres in California’s San Joaquin Valley.
If no buyer emerges, Prima will pivot to a debt restructuring or a liquidation of its business, according to court documents.
The company was formed from a 2019 merger of Gerawan Farming Inc. and Wawona Packing Company. The company had over $300 million in sales revenue in 2022, with 60% of that coming from the sale of peaches, according to court documents.

Fresno, CA – Prima Wawona, the world’s leading grower and marketer of conventional and organic peaches, nectarines, plums, and apricots recently announced that it is expanding its acreage by another 2600 acres devoted to growing Stone Fruit. The new acreage increases the company’s total to almost 15,000 acres, equating to 1.0 million additional Stone Fruit trees, and further establishes Prima Wawona as the leading Stone Fruit grower in the world.
“As industry leaders, this investment represents an ongoing commitment to the growth and development of the Stone Fruit category and will help us achieve our long-term objectives. It will allow Prima Wawona to expand its ability to grow, harvest, pack and ship the healthiest, most delicious, highest quality Stone Fruit” said Eric Beringause, Chief Executive Officer of Prima Wawona.
“We look forward to building our partner relationships with valued retail and wholesale customers across North America and around the world by providing additional product for their shoppers who acknowledge and appreciate Prima brands as the best Stone Fruit available” said Kevin J. Kollock, Chief Commercial Officer. “Additional Stone Fruit will also provide selling opportunities with new customers who may not have experience with our superior products”. Kollock added that “our expansion will put Prima Wawona acreage at a total approaching double the peach acreage of all of Georgia, a state known for peaches”.
Prima Wawona has been involved in breeding & growing Stone Fruit for generations. The company is known for its unrivaled quality and consistency across multiple varieties. Prima Wawona is committed to quality control, unwavering attention to food safety, and ongoing research and development. The 2,600-acre expansion is on top of approximately 1,000 acres that are redeveloped and replanted with new trees every year as older plantings age out of production and further reflects the company’s commitment and investment in Stone Fruit.
“This expansion is an exciting opportunity for our team, customers, and ultimately consumers” said Mark Murai, Senior Vice President of Agricultural Operations. “We are the best in the industry in understanding what it takes to deliver the finest Stone Fruit available. That commitment to excellence includes our extensive proprietary breeding program and development of new, innovative varieties in both conventional and organic fruit that this additional acreage will provide”. Murai added that “as a company we are focused on sustainable farming practices and will be utilizing cutting-edge water management technology on all of our new & redevelopment acreage”.
For more information, please email the Prima Wawona Team at
About Prima® Wawona:
Prima® Wawona is the largest producer of stone fruit in the U.S. Based in the heart of California’s central San Joaquin Valley.
More favorable weather for growing crops has California fruit shipments looking better than at this time last year.
At Anthony Vineyards of Bakersfield, it should start grape shipments from the Coachella Valley within in the next week, which will continue through June. The grape loadings will be shifting to the San Joaquin Valley, where the vast amount of California grape shipments originate. Another big crop exceeding 110 million boxes is expected.
Citrus Shipments
The California citrus industry has been disappointed overall, mainly due to weather factors. However, summer citrus shipments are now looking more favorable with late season valencias replacing navel oranges. Valencias should be available until the Fourth of July.
Grower/shipper Limoneira Co. of Santa Paula, believes California lemon loadings will be off 10 to 15 percent this year as the season ends this month.
Trinity Fruit Sales Co. In of Fresno notes the California mandarin crop is one of the state’s largest. As a result, product which normally winds down in April will be shipped through May. As the company’s domestic season comes to a close it will be importing mandarins for the first time from Peru, Chile and Uruguay,
Melon Shipments
Domestic melon shipments should be plentiful this season. Five Crowns Marketing of Brawley, CA has just started loadings of Origami cantalouple and will continue in the desert through June. The company’s Mexican watermelons are now moving in good volume, and continuing through May, before shifting to Arizona.
Westside Produce of Firebaugh, CA is now shipping cantaloupes and honeydews and will continue in good volume into October.
Stone Fruit Shipments
San Joaquin Valley stone fruit shipments are underway and Trinity Fruit of Fresno anticipates one of its biggest crops. Simonia Fruit Co. of Fowler, CA is expressing optimism for its peaches, plums, nectarines and apricots.
Berry Shipments
California berry shipments were down heading into Easter, however volume is shaping up well for strawberries, blackberries and raspberries from Watsonville and Santa Maria through the summer and well into the fall.
California blueberry shipments should be good through late spring before transitioning to Oregon and British Columbia during the summer months.
Stemilt Growers LLC of Wenatchee, WA just started its California cherry harvest. Last year, California produce only 4 million boxes, but a substantial increase is expected this season.
California is expected one of its larger grape season shipping season on record. Meanwhile, Washington state stone fruit shipments are gearing up.
San Joaquin Valley grape shipments get underway in the southern district of Arvin next week and will have a significant growth in several newer table grape varieties and an overall increase in volume compared to a year ago. It also is expected to be the second-largest California table grape shipping season in history.
The 2018 crop estimate statewide that also includes the Coachella Valley is estimated at 115 million boxes [19-pound equivalent], up from last year’s 109 million boxes. This increase will be coming from the San Joaquin Valley. The record is 117.5 million boxes for the 2013 crop.
Although most of the volume increase in 2018 will be in Kern and Tulare counties, there are also more plantings in the Arvin district , which is traditionally the earliest district in the valley.
By contrast, volume is down in the Coachella Valley in California’s southern desert, where the season is coming to an end. The 2018 estimate for the Coachella Valley is 4.5 million boxes, down from 5 million last year. The Coachella season precedes the San Joaquin Valley season and corresponds to the timing of the Sonora, Mexico, grape deal. Sonora and Coachella are often referred to, collectively, as desert grapes (although sometime, in the California context, the term is used in reference to Coachella only).
Sonora grape growers are estimating a harvest this year of 16 million boxes, down from 21 million last year. A smooth transition from the Sonora and Coachella seasons into the early San Joaquin deal is expected. Coachella and Sonora are roughly about 20 percent less than what they were last year.
Washington Stone Fruit Shipments
Early season stone fruit shipments start in July and will peak in volume from mid-August to late September. About one-half Washington state stone fruit acreage in now planted organic and by the end of 2018 it will be over two-thirds organic.
Washington peaches, nectarines, apricots and Italian prunes are expected to be similar in volume to 2017.
In 2017, Washington’s 400 stone fruit growers harvested 8,400 tons of peaches, which is an average size crop. Nectarines had 7,000 tons, while apricots came in with 6,600 tons, trending upward from previous years.
Peach and nectarine shipments start in July and peaking in August and September. Apricots started in June and go through July, with some extending into August. Prune shipments occur during July and August.
Stone fruit shipments, as well as melons are underway from California’s San Joaquin Valley. Plus, we take a look at South African citrus imports.
California stone fruit loadings are in steady volume from the Central and Southern San Joaquin Valley. Volume for a combination of peaches, plums and nectarines is averaging around 650 truc loads weekly.
Demand for California peaches has been boosted by a short crop on the East Coast. Georgia lost 70 percent of it peaches this season due to adverse spring weather. As of June 25, 81 percent of Georgia’s peach crop had been harvested, compared to 56 percent a year earlier and a five-year average of 55 percent.
Melon Shipments
Western cantaloupe and honeydew shipments in recent weeks have been slashed by as much as 60 percent due to triple digit temperatures. It has basically ended shipments from California’s Imperial Valley and parts of Arizona.
In the San Joaquin Valley, melon loadings are finally starting to return to normal following the excessive heat. One of those adversely affected was Couture Farms of Huron, CA, which grows and ships honeydew and specialty melons.
South African Citrus Imports
by Summer Citrus from South Africa
CITRUSDAL, South Africa – Kicking off the season strong, Summer Citgrus from South Africa (SCSA) recently announced the arrival of its first vessel of citrus – containing mostly Navel oranges and Easy Peelers – to the United States. Combining efforts with supply chain partners like Holt Logistics and the Port of Philadelphia enables SCSA to provide a steady supply of fresh citrus to the U.S. during the summer months when domestic supplies are not in season.
“We’re excited that Summer Citrus from South Africa producers have once again teamed up with Seatrade to bring dedicated shiploads of fresh and delicious citrus from sunny South Africa to eager consumers in the U.S.,” Howard Posner, general manager of Seatrade USA, said.
SCSA’s second vessel of South African citrus arrived July 5th.
Focusing on California, stone fruit volume is building, while strawberry shipments are shifting from Ventura County to Santa Maria.
While there has been light volume of California stone fruits in recent weeks, decent volume is expected to occur with the next 10 days to two weeks.
The state does not have a big crop of stone fruits this year, but shipments should be strong, in large part due to production problems in the SoutheastA.
About 90 percent of the South Carolina peach crop was wiped out by a devastating freeze, while Georgia lost about 40 percent of its peaches.
California stone fruit shipments should be fairly steady by the middle of May.
While heavier shipments have occurred the past couple of season during late April with nectarines and some other stone fruit items, that is about a week earlier than what’s considered normal. More normal is returning this season with the crop a little later.
Strong volume is seen by the third week in May, just in time for deliveries for the Memorial Day weekend May 27 – 29.
West Coast stone fruit shipments used to be much larger, but that has change over the past decade or more with a decline in acreage. Also, a marketing order was eliminated several years ago, resulting in it now being difficult to get a firm handle on acreage totals. However, appears acreage declines have bottomed out. Many stone fruit growers also had shifted to growing other items such as almonds and Mandarins.
California white peaches started in late April, while yellow nectarines and white nectarines, plus apricots got underway in early May. Black and red plums will be starting in the middle of May.
California Strawberry Shipments
As of April 15th, California strawberry volume was over 5.5 million trays, more than half a million over the projected 4.9 million. Currently, Ventura County strawberry shipments are in a seasonal decline with volume still a little more than a little northward at Santa Mara, where volume is approaching peak loadings. Last week, Santa Maria shipped about 450 loads of strawberries. The Watsonville area near Salinas is shipping strawberries in very light volume, which will be increasing.
Santa Maria strawberries and vegetables – grossing about $6400 to New York City.
West coast produce shipments are early this year, while East Coast produce shipments are running late. Here’s a round up on loading opportunities ranging from California stone fruit, Southeastern produce shipments and watermelons.
Stone Fruit Shipments
California stone fruit shipments have started a few days earlier than normal. Last year shipments totaled about 35 million cartons. This year estimates are about 40 million cartons. Apricot shipments got underway a couple of weeks ago. Good volume is expected in the days leading up to the Memorial weekend May 28-30.
Yellow nectarine shipments get underway around May 5th and yellow peach shipments will start about May 7-10. Plum loadings kick off about June 1st.
Even at a total of 40 million cartons of the peach, plums and nectarines, California is still 20 percent below the volume it had a decade ago. A lot of fruit acreage was pulled out of the ground and replaced with nuts in first decade of this century.
Florida Produce Shipments
Unlike the early start for many California produce shipments, Florida is the opposite. In late April, growers were beginning to ship good volume. However, this was later than the typical mid-April start of larger shipments. Large volumes of sweet corn shipments are seen for the month of May. While some shippers had good volume the last week of April, other shippers will not move into good volume until the middle of May.
Florida vegetables shipments – grossing about $3400 to New York City.
Georgia Sweet Corn Shipments
Georgia sweet corn should start shipping in small amounts from May 20 until early June, before hitting good volume.
Watermelon Shipments
Texas watermelon shipments should get underway the second week of May, while light supplies of Mexican melons continue to cross the border at McAllen. Heavier Mexican melon volume is crossing the border at Nogales. About 750 truck loads of Mexican watermelons crossed the border into Nogales last week, while volume continues to increase. Florida watermelon shipments are miniscule to that at Nogales right now, but is increasing.
Mexican melons, tomatoes and vegetables at Nogales – grossing about $3200 to Chicago.
California produce shippers are looking to a spring and summer of good produce shipments, while mostly avoiding talk of bumper crops.
It should be a decent year for produce haulers looking to transport items ranging from stone fruit, to table grapes, cherries, melons, apples, citrus or berries. While El Nino didn’t happen, at least to the extent many thought it would, there has been average rains in much of the state that have helped to fight, but not eliminate the California drought. Adequate labor also continues to be a concern.
Here’s a look at California produce shipments in the coming months.
Apple Shipments
California apple shipment should get underway the week of July 20th with galas and continue through September. Fujis loadings should be available from mid-August through October. Granny Smith apple movement should be from late August through December; Pink Lady apple loadings will occur from mid-October through December.
About 1.8 million boxes of apples will be shipped, with around two-thirds of the volume marketed by Primavera Marketing of Linden, CA.
Berry Shipments
Strawberry shippers from Ventura County are in a seasonal decline. However, good volume is predicted for Watsonville starting in May and will continue into August. Strawberries out of Santa Maria have started and will continue through July. Raspberries have a similar season, although there is much less volume with shipping gaps. California will ship blueberries through May, before loadings shift to the Pacific Northwest.
Melon Shipments
California cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon shipments should be in good supply this summer. Prior to California, there will be cantaloupe loadings starting out of Yuma, AZ. This is followed by the melon harvest shifting to Huron, CA around June 20th.
Stone Fruit Shipments
Loadings for stone fruit shippers from the Southern San Joaquin Valley are just starting and will continue for the next four months. Leading items are peaches, plums and nectarines.
Citrus Shipments
Late-season navel oranges and mandarins continue to be shipped for a few more weeks. Valencias get underway in July. Lemon loadings are virtually over in the Central San Joaquin Valley. Loadings are now shifting to production areas on the coast.
Orange and mandarin shipments – grossing about $5000 to Atlanta.
Grape Shipments
Coachella Valley grape shippers should start the first week of May and continue through most of June. Shipments will then shift to the Arvin district (Bakersfield) around July 1.
Vegetable Shipments
There is light but increasing volume with vegetable shipments from both Santa Maria and Salinas. Items range from head lettuce, to leaf lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, romaine, celery, kale, parsley and cilantro, among others. There should be good volume by early May.
Santa Maria vegetable shipments – grossing about $6500 to New York City.
Here’s a quick look at Western produce shipments, starting in British Columbia, extending down to California and wrapping up in West Texas and New Mexico.
While Washington state cherry shipments are in a seasonal decline, loadings from British Columbia are picking up.
British Columbia certainly is no Washington state when it comes to volume, but the Canadians do provide decent loadings for about a four to six-week period every year. Shipments from an area ranging from Kelowna to Creston are underway with about 100,000 cases already shipped. There is an estimated 500,000 additional boxes to be shipped. The season is expected to last through the third week of August.
California Produce Shipments
Stone fruit shipments continue steady from week to week out of the San Joaquin Valley, led by peaches….From the valley’s Westside district various melons are being loaded, led by cantaloupe, averaging about a 1000 loads per week….Moving to the Watsonville district movement continues steady with strawberries, averaging around 875 truck loads weekly. California produce rates continue to decline, some by as much 15 percent in the past week.
Watsonville berries and Salinas Valley vegetables – grossing about $6500 to New York City.
San Joaquin Valley stone fruit, melons and other items – grossing about $4300 Dallas.
Texas/New Mexico Produce Shipments
In West Texas, the Hereford High Plains area has light, but increasing volume with potatoes, with some shippers also in Eastern New Mexico. Southern New Mexico also continues to ship onions.
It should be a good summer for produce truckers who haul fruit out of the Northwest.
Cherry shipments are underway, while most other stone fruit crops will begin in mid-July, picking up speed as the calendar switches to August, and then going strong until the end of the month, with the late fruit still shipping out in early September. Northwest stone fruit shipments to Canada have been showing significant increases in recent years.
A little over one-third of American households purchase peaches, five times more than buy kale. Kale, of course, is the hot, trendy vegetable in America these days.
Apricot production ramped up in early June and was expected to continue through the month. Apricots are expected to be similar in size to last year’s large 7,500 ton crop. Organic apricots are making their mark. It may only be 2 percent of the U.S. category, but it’s growing at three times the rate of conventional.
Pear Shipments
The 2015 fresh pear shipments are forecast at nearly 20.4 million box equivalents, which equates to approximately 451,000 tons of fresh pears. The projection is 2 percent higher than the five-year average, and 2 percent lower than last year’s crop. The estimate was collected from fresh pear growers in Wenatchee and Yakima, WA, and Mid-Columbia and Medford, OR, growing districts.
Northwest pear shipments start in late July with Starkrimson, followed by the Bartlett harvest in early August. Anjou, Red Anjou, Bosc, Comice, Concorde, Forelle and Seckel will be picked from late August through September.
Apples, pears and cherries – grossing about $7300 to Orlando.